The desalination process helps to provide people around the world with clean water for alcohol consumption, the use of households and agricultural and industrial purposes, but it is work with high energy intensity.
Low carbon energy sources can help reduce the environmental impact caused by the process, but recent Aqua membranes in New Mexico provides substantial reductions in energy consumption, as well as increased production.
Its 3D innovative printed spacer technology for reverse osmosis membranes (RO) used in the desalination process would reduce energy consumption by 30% Thanks to ultra-up-pressure drop methods. Their product would also reduce fouling, which increases efficiency and reduces costs for water treatment factories.
Their 3D printed version replaces the traditional mesh areas used during reverse osmosis, which is a process of separation of water and decontamination which uses pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane.
“In a typical RO element, membrane leaves are spiral around a central tube separated by a supply channel, creating a large area to make clean water”, like the company explain.
Addition This, “the printed spacers provide a much more open power channel, allowing water to circulate more easily in each membrane. Unlike Mesh, which acts like a dam, our printed spacers work like rocks in a precipitated river. This unique difference is what makes our technology special.”
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The company received a World Water Intelligence Prize for its technology in 2024, where its CEO Craig Beckman common This, “no matter where you live on the planet or on which market you serve, the need for more sustainable operations is universal.”
“We are grateful for the support of our investors and the first adopters who helped make our growth possible. We were able to increase production of production last year and we are delighted to continue to introduce the potential of our technology in the years to come.”
Osmoflo Water Management of Australia from the South has recently joined forces with Aqua Membranes to provide operational assistance and help extend its scope, with exclusive rights in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, according to a report by the environment + energy leader.
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The shareholder of Osmoflo, Kanadevia Corporation, also ease Series B Funding support for Aqua membranes, helping to expand its American manufacturing capacity and its global supply capacities.
According to a 2018 United Nations report, there was 16,000 Active desalination factories operating in 177 countries, with freshwater production which represents almost half of the flow on the Niagara falls.
Desalination factories can provide all water needs for small countries like Bahamas and Malta, while 34 million people from Saudi Arabia obtain almost 50% of their drinking water thanks to these sources.
By improving RO, Aqua Membranes technology helps reduce the environmental impact of the industry, while putting sustainable water management available to more areas, especially as drought and saline intrusion on fresh water supplies is increasingly common.
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