Jackson, Miss. (WLBT) – Which was once a two -story hotel right next to the i -55 in North Jackson has now been transformed into a ruble.
During the last week, the crews have demolished the Hotel O.
This serves as a welcoming show for Damion Portis, which has a nearby company.
“It is very exciting to see this and it creates an opportunity for someone to come with a plan for Jackson and better the life of the city,” said Portis, who owns the company Xtraordinaire and Klean Jokers.
For Portis, he said he was relieved to see the hotel crash.
“Much of the vagabond, homeless activity and a large part of flatting has always been able to stay in our region because they always had a place to go,” he said. “Now it creates a place less so that they can do.”
The dilapidated hotel has aroused many criticisms from residents, business owners and city leaders.
Many condemning the building, calling it a horror.
The building has been judged several times a public nuisance by several judges.
Hotel o Chronology:
- December 2022 – Judge Jeffrey Reynolds judges the owner Noah Muthana guilty for several violations of the city’s building code; and sentenced him to 90 days in prison; Sentenced suspended
- March 14, 2023 – Reynolds orders Muthana to be imprisoned until all individuals and extensions withdrawn from the site and submit the site plan to build a fence around the hotel pool to prevent people from going out; Muthana has granted an appearance of $ 275,000
- April 17, 2023 – The owner files the notice of appeal to Hinds County Court; The court rejects the appeal in the event of non-payment of surety or the fact that it is reduced; Call deemed “defective”
- September 11, 2023 – The owner filed an opinion to call on the Hinds County Circuit Court; non -dockée case before March following March
- January 9, 2024 – The municipal court establishes a state conference in the conference; The defendant did not appear
- January 2024 – arrest warrant issued for Muthana
- April 2024 – The Grand Jury of the County Hinds indicates Ibrahim K. Khoder on a perjury chief for crime for having said that he was the owner of the hotel O
- June 2024 – Reynolds orders the city to demolish the hotel O, citing “substantial evidence”. The establishment housed vagrants, prostitutes and others
- August 2024 – The municipal judge Henry Clay declares the hotel a threat; Impose fine against owners
- September 2024 – The municipal council gives Muthana 30 days to demolish the structure; non -demolished hotel
- November 2024 – The Council hires Cornerstone Enterprises to demolish the hotel O
- February 2025 – The demolition begins; The entrepreneur has 30 days to demolish the structure
In November, the Jackson municipal council awarded a $ 240,000 contract to Cornerstone Enterprises to demolish the structures. Part of the cost of the contract is paid with public donations.
The crews began the demolition work on February 24.
Portis said he already saw much necessary improvements in the region.
“We have experienced a decrease in small wandering crimes,” said Portis. “Companies, local businesses are able to work much more easily now when you get rid of things like this in these areas.”
With the ruined hotel that descends now, Portis hopes that something positive and productive will go in its place.
“It will be good to have something on this side of (Interstate) 55 here in this area,” said the owner of the company Jackson. “Something creative, an amphitheater or something outside where we can have an event here. We now have space and opportunities, so I hope that the mayor’s elections, someone develops a plan for this area. »»
Regarding what will then happen once the demolition process is completed, the owner, Noah Muthana, is still the owner of the property.
However, the city will have a privilege against property to cover demolition and cleaning costs.
“This is the first step towards progress,” said Portis. “As long as he stands here, it creates an opportunity for someone to invade him again. Now that it’s gone and is cleaned now, we have a blank slate where creators can enter. We can put something here for our young people, we can put something here for the city, or just something for local businesses.
Muthana says he will have to speak with his lawyer before discussing his next steps for this property.
Entrepreneurs have until the end of the month to demolish the structure.
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