Albany, NY (WRGB) – Mars is the month of women’s history and today at the New York State Museum, they celebrate women in science!
The free family event will have exhibitions where children can touch and find out about molluscs.
There will be several panels where you can chat with scientists from the museum who make revolutionary discoveries every day thanks to their research ”
Families and fans of science of all ages are encouraged to consult the series of practical activities and the interactive exhibitions created by pioneering researchers from the Museum Research and Collections.
“So, our goal is always to get involved with the members of our young audiences, to raise their interests, to make them have these practical opportunities to see what a scientist does.” Said Kat Morehouse, coordinator of public programs at the NYS Museum.
This marks the first time that the event takes place from the COVVI-19 pandemic.
Denise Mayer, conservative of Malacology, says that her favorite part of her work is scuba diving; “I love entering large rivers and scuba diving underwater to observe. I always see something new and different and exciting.”
There will be representatives of the museum, the State Department of Environment Conservation, State Archives and the Netherlands Research Center.
The event takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., for more information, click here.