Those who seek answers to questions about the doctrine, history and policies of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Last Days now have some additional resources in their quest for knowledge and understanding.
THE Subjects and questions The section of the evangelical library application and has three new pages with clear and perceptive answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on faith.
These three pages join other people added to subjects and questions in 2024 on the Role of prophetsTHE Origins of Abraham’s bookTHE Importance of the Church of the Lordand the Several stories of Joseph Smith’s first vision.
Each page provides information in a simple question format / answers for an easy understanding.
“It is a wonderful process of seeing inter-ministerial cooperation and efforts to prepare these important subjects,” said Mark A. Bragg in the seventy, who sits on the Committee for the Subjects of the Gospel. “And it is really instructive to see the prophets, the lights and the reveaers discuss and improve them. These subjects of the Gospel are inspired and inspiring. ”
The page on the race and the Church teaches that “God loves all his children. We are equal to his eyes, and he recognizes our divine potential to progress and become like him. He wants each of us to come back to live with him and receive eternal life. Our differences bring a beautiful variety to our lives. ”
The page reflects the lessons of the president of the Russell church Mr. Nelson, who said“The creator of all of us calls on each of us to abandon the attitudes of prejudice against any group of children of God. All of us who have prejudices towards another race must repent!”
The subject of the service and the leadership of women shows that “women and men work and advise together to bless the children of God. Women contribute to the work of the Lord while they testify to Jesus Christ, strengthen friends and families, share the Gospel, contribute to the communities, minister to those who need and serve and direct in the Church. “
“The divine endowment of women allows them to influence others in a way that helps them get closer to the Lord and to feel his infinite love for them,” added the general of the rescue society Camille N. Johnson. “We hope that all women understand that their families, the Church and the world need their inspired wisdom and influence. They are beloved girls of God. Everyone has endless value and value for him. ”
The resource on religion and science notes that “apparent conflicts (between science and religion) are simply reminders that we do not yet understand everything that there is to know about religion or science. Our pursuit of the truth requires us to be humble and patient, recognizing the limits of our knowledge.
The church offers five guiding principles to help people find answers to questions about these subjects and others.
- Center your life on Jesus Christ.
- Be patient with yourself and the others.
- Recognize that revelation is a process.
- Consult reliable sources.
- Work to understand the past.
For those who help others with their questions, the resources of the Church encourage you to reply with love,, humbly listen,, Trust the Lord,, Nourish your own faith And Help others throughout their trip.
“We are grateful that this resource continues to be added, and we hope it will be useful to members of the Church,” said Brother Kevin W. Pearson, president of the Gospel Subject Committee. “Asking questions and looking for answers is a pursuit for life, and we get closer to the Savior while we do it.”