March 25, 2025
Erin Vanderveen, technological advisor for Marco Technologies.
Name: Erin Vanderveen
Age: 29
Hometown: I originally grew up in St. Joseph, Minnesota. From there, I went to the University of Marshall, Minnesota, to SMSU and I obtained my diploma in marketing. I have lived in Marshall since 2013 until recently to move to Harrisburg.
What brought you to Sioux Falls?
In the end, my career was the driving force to move to the Sioux Falls region. While my work territory has spread to include Sioux Falls, my family and I decided that it would be a good time to spend through the border to the southern Dakota to be more centralized for my customers.
What keeps you in Sioux Falls?
We look forward to living here in the long term not only for reasons related to work, but we also have friends in the region, a family closer to us than before, and the food scene is a huge advantage that we did not have before in a rural community!
What is your favorite thing in your work?
I have been selling printed and technological services at Marco for six years now, and I don’t think I could choose a favorite thing about my work. I really love that every day is different and my customers lead my schedule. If they need me on site, during a virtual meeting or a telephone call, I am ready to serve them! There is something satisfactory in the establishment of these relationships to the point where a customer will rely on me as the main expert in the industry with regard to their needs in printed infrastructure and technology.
How were you connected to your industry?
I sold food services before when I obtained my university degree, and basically, I always knew that it would not be my long -term career. I was looking for one day LinkedIn and a sales station opened its doors in southwest Minnesota for Marco. Having grown up near the headquarters, I knew that Marco was an increasing company that had a great reputation for a brand in the Midwest region. I did an act of faith, applied and I was hired shortly after!
Describe your workplace in three words.
We love coffee.
What could someone be surprised to learn about you?
We four – my husband, my 2.5 year old daughter and my 10 month old daughter, including myself – all have red hair! I am also a total gourmet and I love to cook / cook. There is nothing that I will not avoid eating or trying to do at home. My “specialty” would be the cheese cake.
What is your favorite way to restore your community?
Since we just moved, I have started to know more about all the different organizations than Sioux Falls offers to restore. When I lived in Marshall, I loved cooking for our church whenever there was an event or funeral that need treats. I am also a great defender of the rural advocacy program for women in southwest Minnesota. Whenever I have a chance, I always find ways to donate for women, men and children who need help through their organization. Families and children especially have a place in my heart, and I hope to help more in the Sioux Falls region while we settle.
What is a business you would like to see in Sioux Falls which is not here now?
I do not yet know what would still be missing, but I would say that a company that I was so happy to see available in this area would be Florish Wellness & Birth Co. I am a great supporter of everything related to lighting options, lactation advice and women’s health! I am this friend who likes to sit for a coffee and hear everything about a birth story and support mothers who must be raised! Other areas should offer support companies like these, and I hope to see this industry grow more and more. Marshall has Nurturey’s parental studio, and they were a boon for me with my children.
If you had $ 1 million to start a business, what type of business would it be?
I would use this million dollars to help the landscaping company of my husband, the landscaping in solid stone, to descend the soil a little, and the rest would go to career places / additional resources for parents.