Barcelona, Spain,, March 9, 2025 / Prnewswire / – During MWC Barcelona 2025, the Ministry of Technology and Sciences of Zambia has joined Huawei to launch the global window of Zambia Intelligent village of the government industry forum entitled Network strategy of secure, sovereign and synergized network accelerating national digitization. More than 200 industry and technical experts in public services met during the event to discuss national transformation motivated by digital technologies.
In July 2024The first smart village site in Zambia was successfully delivered after 30 days of construction. This project provided electricity and internet access to the village as well as the realization of telemedicine and distance education.
Governments around the world accelerate the transition to intelligent Public Service upgrades to AI. During his speech, Li Junfeng, vice-president of Huawei and CEO of the global public sector BU, stressed that the digital transformation of governments is crucial to improve national capacities and improve the well-being of citizens. AI emerges as a key engine in this digital transformation. The in -depth use of the Deepseek model means not only technological progress, but also a fundamental change in production dynamics. Huawei collaborates with international partners to capitalize on opportunities and propel the digital government to a more intelligent and more sustainable future.
At the Forum, Koh Hong-EngGlobal scientist of the Huawei public services industry, invited various guests to discuss national digital transformation. Felix C. Mutati, Minister of Technology and Sciences of Zambiamentioned that the project of intelligent villages aligns with transport with Zambia Vision 2030. Thanks to Smart Education, we not only empower the next generation with knowledge, but also equipping them with the digital skills necessary to thrive in the fourth industrial revolution. The digital transformation of Zambia is not only a question of technology – it is people, progress and potential. It is a question of empowering communities, filling inequalities and creating a future where each Zambian can contribute significantly to national development.
Huawei adheres to the concept of “accelerating the intelligence of governments and public services, the construction of a cognitive society together”, and constantly expands its commercial scenarios, advances the in -depth use of digital technologies to achieve the vision of “excellent governance, a better means of all life and a digital economy” and digital society.