The late 2021 Kombat Mortel reported where the franchise would then go: Hollywood. After a bloodbath between the champions of Earthrealm and Outworld, the veteran of the MMA Cole Young (Lewis Tan), a descendant of Hanzo Rasashi / Scorpion (Hiroyuki Sanada), left for Los Angeles to find a new recruit to help in the coming battle – Johnny Cage.
A leading and eccentric character of video games, as well as past cinematographic adaptations, Johnny was only teased in this first film through a poster for his Citizen cage leaf through. But now, Boys star Karl Urban Officially takes its place alongside other Champions of the Earth Weekly entertainmentFirst of an exclusive look at the continuation, Mortel Kombat 2Coming in theaters and IMAX locations on October 24.
“You can finally see Johnny Cage,” Ed Boon, Kombat Mortel The co-creator and manager of the Netherrealm Studios game developer, says EW. “Its integration into the Kombat Mortel Story and Universe is a large part of what this film explores. He is a failed Hollywood guy thrown into this magical and ultra-violent thing. Karl, his representation of Johnny Cage is different from our games in some respects. He adds his own push, but I think it will feel fresh. There is a new factor in there. “”
Just like Tan’s Cole in the first Kombat MortelBoon says that Johnny serves as a public objective in this new story. He calls the introduction of the character “ridiculously hilarious”, having prompted “some of the greatest laughs” of the first projections of Mortel Kombat 2. But director Simon Mcquad estimated that it was a balance to form this tone. “We wanted a character who was not simply silly, comic book … he is a character who could instantly go there and become too light and disposable if we had to press too much on the type of cheese,” notes Mcquad. “The casting of Karl Urban for this role allowed this character to have more depth.”
Warner Bros. courtesy.
Johnny is not the only new character on the scene either. Membership Kombat Mortel Veterans like Ludi Lin like Liu Kang, Mehcad Brooks Like Jackson “Jax” Briggs, Jessica McNamee As Sonya Blade, Tadanobu Asano like Lord Raiden, Joe Taslim as subzero and Sanada (freshly out her ShÅgun Emmy wins) As Scorpion, EW can also reveal Adeline Rudolph (Hellboy: the twisted manNetflix resident Evil series) as a favorite of fans (emphasizing “fan”) Kitana, as well as Martyn Ford (David’s house,, Those about to die) As suzerain Outworld Shao Kahn.
As an additional treat for players, the specific new skins of these characters, notably Johnny d’Urban, Kitana de Rudolph and Shao Kahn de Ford, come to Mortel Kombat 1 Video game later this year.
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In the film, these figures are all here for the main event, fans were waiting to see on the screen. The first film saw the sorcerer Outworld Shang Tsung (Chin Han) and his forces would try to erase the Champions of the Earth before the Grand Tournament de Kombat between the fighters of different kingdoms. This tournament is now officially here later, and the issues could not be higher. If Earthrealm loses its 10th consecutive tournament against Outworld, then Shao Kahn will invaded the earth and will take over.
Warner Bros. courtesy.
“They continue to score throughout the film,” said Boon on the tournament. “There is a visual representation of who wins … It is not only a tournament for the good of a tournament. There are huge consequences, so you really keep the score. And there are a lot of twists and turns that keep you on your guard.”
Speaking of twists and turns … on the list of experienced actors for Mortel Kombat 2which also includes Damon Herriman (Best man) Like the demon of Netherrealm Quan Chi, are the return Josh Lawson And Max Huang, even if their characters, Kano and Kung Lao, died in the previous film. “I can say that Josh Lawson does not play the twin of Kano”, teasing Boon. He points to the existing Kombat Mortel Lore from video games that allow such a return. “We have killed a number of characters who are Mortel Kombat 1 And our last games, “he said.” So we treat the spirits and the Netherrealm and things like that. There are ways to bring dead characters. “”
The age beef between the scorpion and the sub-zero also refuses to die Mortel Kombat 2Although it is not as central to the story. “He certainly makes important and necessary appearances for the progress of other scenarios”, the Boon prefaces of Hanzo Rasse of Sanada. “He plays a different role. He is not one of the” super friends “trying to defeat Shao Kahn, but his appearance is the key and it is very essential for certain parts.”
Warner Bros. courtesy.
All these facets relate to the clear objectives that Mcquoid had entered the realization of the suite. On the one hand, the team wanted to increase the number of female characters. Thus, alongside Sonya Blade of McNamee and Kitana de Rudolph, there is also Tati Gabrielle (The last of us Season 2) as Jade, Ana Thu Nguyen (NCIS: Sydney) As Queen Sindel, and some “other” unknown characters who will make appearances, says the filmmaker. Mcquad and screenwriter Jeremy Slater also worked to “maximize everything” Mortel Kombat 2 – “It is enough to build on the place where we were, then make it much more intense, larger, larger, larger, larger in all areas as a cinematographic experience.”
Part of that implies history itself; Mcquoud confirms: “We are going in many different kingdoms, so that this gives in itself a very distinct and varied visual approach.” A part also involves IMAX, which, according to Mcquoid, allowed them to “be more daring and swinging stronger”. The team took advantage of the large screen format to offer the public a unique experience when it looks Mortel Kombat 2 In IMAX, namely the modification of appearance reports to improve certain sequences.
“What I did was going bigger, going more daring, not to hold back and not to feed the story of Kombat Mortel Plus, “adds McCoud.” Let him tear, and that’s what we did. “”