Produced in Lyon, December 17, 2024
We, the member countries of the Group of Friends of the WHO Academy, reaffirm our commitment to supporting the WHO Academy, an essential tool for strengthening the skills and competencies of human resources for health, to achieve universal health coverage and increase global access to quality health services.
With these convictions and this vision, we renew our unwavering support for the WHO Academy, which we consider to be an essential pillar for building a future where everyone can access quality healthcare.
Members of the Group of Friends of the WHO Academy
Belgium, Benin, Canada, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Chile, Congo Brazzaville, Croatia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Haiti, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Norway, Qatar, Rwanda, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom
International organizations members of the Group of Friends of the WHO Academy
Commonwealth, International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF)