THE Ontario government said he started to flow up to $ 75.5 million to the municipalities to help them remove camps in public spaces.
The government said in a press release on Monday that these funds, which were initially announced at the end of last year, will help cities and cities to create more emergency shelter spaces and affordable housing And “will help restore security and order” to Ontario parks and other public spaces.
“Our government has given significant support to the municipalities to meet the challenges that camps can pose to Ontario public security,” said Housing Minister Paul Calandra in the press release.
“The mayors asked us for additional help and we have been clear that we will provide funding to the municipalities which show results in terms of liquidation of these sites. We can no longer accept camps as a place to treat mental health And dependence problems. “
The province has declared that the funding which is being executed towards municipalities includes $ 50 million for affordable housing projects ready to use, allocated according to the proximity of a completion project and Its value for money, as well as to help nearby projects that need additional funding to open their doors faster.

In addition, $ 20 million will be given to cities to extend the shelter capacity and create additional temporary accommodation spaces. Finally, Ontario will invest $ 5.5 million to complete Canadian-Ontario (COHB) housing services to release emergency shelter for people living in camps.

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Earlier this month, the group representing most of the province’s municipalities issued a warning crisis in Ontario is “At a tilting point.”
The Ontario Municipal Association (AMO) declared in a report that the registered number of homelessness which was 100,000, in particular in the southern parts of the province.
According to figures from the municipal association, more than 81,000 people in Ontario experienced homelessness last year. This represents an increase of 51% against around 53,000 people recorded in 2016 and an increase of 25% since 2022.
AMO said that the report is proof that massive changes are necessary in the way the Ford government manages homelessness – and housing more generally – believing that local governments have spent $ 2.1 billion for the Roaming and housing last year, financing which is generally drawn from land tax revenues.

After months of pressure, Ontario announced its solution to homeless camps at the end of last year.
Aside from shared funds on Monday, he unveiled new powers for the police and a threat to local service managers who do not deal with homeless sites in their cities.
The bill – which has not yet been adopted – is Setted to strengthen sanctions for people who have repeatedly infringed intrusion laws And allow police officers and provincial ticket offenses or arrest people using illegal drugs in public, with penalties up to $ 10,000 or six months in prison.
The AMO report estimates that Ontario must spend an additional $ 11 billion in the next decade out of 75,000 affordable housing and support units, while additional $ 2 billion are necessary to host camp residents.
– with files Isaac Callan And MOLIN D’ALLO
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