It’s a civic duty that ultimately everyone must face — even movie stars — but Reese Witherspoon had a particularly interesting story to share when it came to jury duty.
On Friday night’s episode of “The Graham Norton Show“, Witherspoon recounted how she had to serve on the jury for a two-week dog bite trial in Beverly Hills, a few years after the release of her film “Legally Blonde.”
When it came time to deliberate and the jury had to choose a foreman, Witherspoon recalled that everyone unanimously pointed the finger at her.
“Me! Me!” she exclaimed, pointing at herself, while fellow contestant Ariana Grande didn’t seem shocked at all, saying: “Well, yeah.”
“I was like, ‘Why did you choose me?!’ Witherspoon responded. “And they said, ‘You went to law school.'”
This was, of course, a reference to her role as Elle Woods in the 2001 film “Legally Blonde,” in which she enters Harvard Law School to be close to the man she loves ( “What, like it’s hard?“).
She later said she explained to her fellow jurors that she “definitely didn’t go to law school” and didn’t finish college. “For example, I played a lawyer in a movie once!
Witherspoon went on to say how important it is to serve on a jury because “bad things happen in there” because “people don’t know much about the law.” Regarding the case, she explained how some members of the jury wanted to convict the defendant because they didn’t like her appearance.
When fellow guest Will Ferrell asked what the verdict was, Witherspoon explained that at the end of it all, it was just about someone breaking the basic rule of never putting a hand in a fight air. “What did your mother always tell you, don’t put your hands in a dogfight!” » said Witherspoon.
Ferrell then joked, “I always told my kids, ‘Put your hands in dogfights!’ I feel bad!
Witherspoon and Ferrell will soon team up in the new Amazon Prime wedding comedy “You’re Cordially Invited,” out January 30.