Take advantage of cloud -based advanced solutions and robust cybersecurity to improve teaching and learning experiences
Bloomington, minn.,, March 25, 2025 / Prnewswire / – C1, a world leader in technological solutions known to raise connected human experiences, announced revolutionary collaboration with Kentucky State University (KSU). The deployment of a new infrastructure, fueled in partnership with Extreme Networks, a leader in AI cloud networks, will allow KSU to continue to increase its use of technology in class and online resources, giving students the tools and skills necessary to succeed in the competitive future and focused on technology.
“The heart of KSU’s vision is to create a transformative educational experience that leads our students to excel in the digital age,” said Wendy DixieVice-president of information technology, Kentucky State University. “We are delighted to associate ourselves with C1 and Extreme Networks to provide advanced solutions and expertise to our campus, allowing us to provide the highest quality education and to promote a really connected and modernized community.”
As part of this partnership, KSU will benefit from the deep knowledge and expertise of the C1 industry, combined with cutting -edge networks of extreme networks. Together, they will improve connectivity on the 1,100 acres campus with 85,000 feet of new fibers, universal switches and 800 improved wireless access points. KSU’s objective is to promote transparent collaboration between students and teachers, creating a secure and united environment that feeds students’ innovation and academic excellence. KSU aims to improve communication, rationalize knowledge sharing and empower the next generation of thinkers and leaders.
“We believe in the power of technology to transform the experiences of students and teachers, and this partnership with Kentucky State University And extreme networks allow us to provide advanced solutions to the foreground, “said Omar BhattiDirector of customers of C1. “We are committed to empowering students, teachers and KSU staff with the tools they need to succeed and prosper in the digital era.”
KSU will have the ability to take advantage of advanced, secure and cloud -based networking technologies so that you can continue to support teaching and learning -based learning experiences. With the support of C1 and Extreme Networks, KSU will be able to provide better experiences for hybrid students, to improve the connectivity of students and personal devices through campus, increase its use of emerging technologies such as RA / VR and robotics as well as to improve access to online resources such as online tests and online tests and online tests and online tests and online tests 4K Video streaming.
“TODAY’s Universities Must be able to provide FLAWless, Secure Connectivity for Thousands of Students No Matter where they are on campus in order to remain Comptititive. From submitting racing to streaming virtual readings to make video calls to family, having an upgraded network and improved bandwwidth can make all the different in a stude’s education experience. John BramsAmericas please, extreme networks.
About Kentucky State University
Kentucky State Universitylocated in Frankfort, Kentuckyis a comprehensive and historically black public institution of 1890, committed to giving access to high -quality education and the transformation of lives. With a rich story and the emphasis on academic excellence, KSU offers a wide range of programs, promoting innovation, inclusiveness and cultural diversity in its dynamic community.
About C1
C1 is a world leader in known technological solutions to raise connected human experiences. With a full portfolio of services and in -depth expertise, C1 helps organizations through industries to be taken from advanced technology to stimulate growth, improve efficiency and unlock new possibilities.
On extreme networks
Extreme Networks, Inc. is an AI -focused cloud network leader, focused on the supply of simple and secure solutions that help companies meet challenges and allow connections between devices, applications and users. We push the limits of technology, by taking advantage of the powers of artificial intelligence, analysis and automation. Tens of thousands of customers trust our world on a global world our AI -focused cloud networking solutions and our state -of -the -art support to allow companies to stimulate value, promote innovation and overcome extreme challenges. For more information, visit the extreme website to www.extrememetWorks.com or follow us Liendin,, YouTube,, X,, Facebook Or Instagram.
Additional resources:
Case study: https://www.onec1.com/resources/case-study/kentucky-state-niversity
Media contact:
Kim Espinosa
(Protected by e-mail)
Source C1