University Park, Pennsylvania – Le Penn State’s College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and the University of the Shandong of Sciences and Technology in China signed a memorandum of understanding to continue collaborative research, education and educational opportunities. The objective of the memorandum of understanding is to strengthen and disseminate research results in environmental and security and mining engineering sciences.
The first step planned is to increase student exchange opportunities before moving on to opportunities for teachers. Other opportunities such as the accommodation of joint conferences, such as International symposium on dust research and mine aerosolswill be discussed in the coming years.
Professor Weimin Cheng at the Shandong University of Science and Technology’s College of Safety and Environmental Engineering, said that he was delighted to establish a student exchange program.
“There is a great need for students to go abroad for a master’s study,” said Cheng. “This agreement is a good mechanism to strengthen our relationship with collaborative research on important subjects such as batteries safety, control of mines dust and many others that have an impact on environmental health worldwide.”
Shimin Liu, President of George H., Jr. and Anne B. Deike in mining engineering and professor of energy and mineral engineering at Penn State, said that he was impatient to see how collaboration will continue to grow a times that students and teachers will become more involved.
“Human human interactions are the cornerstone of relationships and future success of research,” said Liu. “With this agreement, we can rely on the exceptional legacy of Penn State coal research and stay at the forefront of mine security and the development of more sustainable mining practices.”
Founded in 1951, the Shandong University of Sciences and Technologies offers multidisciplinary education in engineering, sciences, management, literature, law, economics and education. In addition to the memorandum of understanding with Penn State, the university has established cooperative relations with 120 universities and research institutes in 23 countries and regions.