North Lamar Intermediate proudly showcased its young scientific minds at the 2025 Science Fair, an event that showcased the creativity, dedication and ingenuity of its students. The show saw an exceptional turnout of attendees and supporters, and the students impressed the attendees with their innovative experiments and well-researched presentations.
A special note of gratitude was given to the Region 8 judges, who provided valuable feedback and encouragement to the participants. Their expertise and time made this event a memorable experience for everyone involved.
The highlight of the event was the announcement of the winners who will compete in the regional science fair in Region 8 in Pittsburgh later this month. These exceptional students stood out for their scientific rigor and their ability to effectively communicate their discoveries.
Fourth year:
- 1st place: Ellie Harris
- 2nd place: Clara Graves
Fifth year:
- 1st place: Tilly Stewart
- 2nd place: Sarah Harris
- 3rd place: Isabelle necklace
- 4th place: Saxon brown
The fair not only provided a platform for students to showcase their talents but also highlighted the importance of critical thinking and scientific research as fundamental skills for the future.
As these young scientists prepare for the next stage of competition at Regionals, North Lamar Intermediate and the entire community support them, encouraging them every step of the way.