Large County Traverse, Mich,. (WPBN / WGTU) – – North Flight Aero Med will be the first in the country to use the technology which, they think, can save lives.
Technology is a blood heating intended to provide blood in crucial situations of blood loss or hypothermia.
What makes this device special is that it warms up in seconds and that everything adapts in a small bag.
“I do not use terms such as life rescue lightly, but I really think it’s wild,” said Dr. Aaron Ziegler, medical director of North Flight Aero Med
North Flight Aero Med is the first civil airline program in the United States to use this new blood heating.
The device was approved by the FDA last year and he warms the blood from a cooler temperature to the body temperature.
“Without the warmer blood, we literally put icy liquids in their bodies, which cools them, has the potential to cool them quickly. The capacity to go from the temperature of the refrigerator to eighty-eight points six in a few seconds is enormous,” said Ziegler.
The whole device fits into a bag.
Ziegler says that being able to bring the heater with them saves a lot of precious time when every second counts.
“Literally a few minutes after landing, we can already transfuse blood or plasma,” said Ziegler.
Ziegler says that the device was mainly used to give blood and hot patients – is now in service after the end of training this week.
“We actually take care that would be delivered to the emergency room at Cross -City and wore it on the side of the patient’s bedside road,” said Ziegler.