As a American, I grew up with colorful breakfast cereals, a ranch on pizzas, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and many and looots of sugar. In the United States, we also adopt a protein while driving, absolutely everything, and, of course, massive parts. However, it recently came to my attention that non-Americans could find some of these belovely ~ strange food customs.
Cole Sprouse saying “I am a big guy pb & j”, in a relaxed setting with a light jacket
I find it shocking that PB & JS is not the great equalizer, but in fact, completely controversial.
So I would like to know: non-Americans, what is a American dish or a custom of food that horrifies you?
Have you eaten outside during your visit, forget to make a 20% tip and get an iced stubble eye of your server? (Yes, many food officials are counting on advice for their income here!).
Person in a dark apron and t-shirt is held with crossed arms on an ordinary background
Perhaps you ordered what you thought was a “light” salad to be welcomed with a massive pile of food which consisted in addition to fried meat and croutons than real green vegetables.
Honey Booboo outside wearing a shirt with text. Legend reads as follows: “The last time I had a salad was never.”
Have you been surprised that we have protein cups, a mixture of protein cakes, a protein salad vinaigrette, protein coffee and even protein gummies (the grind never stops)?
Spongebob Squarepants, with exaggerated muscles, bents up while standing on a sandy beach
It is really wild that you can theoretically meet your daily protein needs by simply eating a ton of chips …
Perhaps you were horrified to learn that many of us simply take our “breaks” to have lunch at our office rather than taking a real time to have lunch away from work.
Person in relaxed clothes holding a sandwich with a desk with a laptop, a bottle of water and a container of berries
Or maybe you have been shocked to learn that we add sugar almost everything. Even things you don’t consider “sweet”. For example, it is super difficult to buy bread here that is not filled with sugar!
No one while e enthusiasts candy, with a superposition of text saying: “You can taste the sugar”, expressing the pleasure
So please let me know what has absolutely struck you in the American food culture during your visit. I want to know! Use the comments below to tell me where you come from, which food customs / customs surprised you the most and why. You can also fill This form If you prefer to remain anonymous. Your answer can be presented in a Buzzfeed community job!