Historical context and legacy:
This milestone reflects more than a century of advocacy for black economic independence, dating back to Booker T. Washington’s founding the National Business League in 1900. His vision of self-reliance and economic sovereignty for Black Americans is central to NABB’s mission to unify and empower Black businesses in today’s global economic landscape .
Key steps and leadership information:
- Branding: The marks not only guarantee legal protections, but also symbolize a commitment to a unified black business narrative.
- Leadership Perspectives:
- Dr. Ken L. Harrispresident of the NBL and co-founder of the NABB: “This legal victory is emblematic of our commitment to redefining Black economic empowerment, leveraging historic foundations for future prosperity.”
- Honorable Johnny Fordfounder of WCM: “These brands are a linchpin of our global economic strategy, demonstrating the strength of unity in advancing Black business interests.”
- Charles H. DeBow IIIPresident and CEO of NBCC: “The brands affirm our commitment to ensuring that Black businesses are recognized and integrated into the broader economic system, driving accountability across all sectors.”
Past achievements in 2024 leading to brand approval:
- Creation of the NABB (2022): A collaborative initiative bringing together the NBL, NBCC, WCM and 100+ to amplify Black economic equity.
- NABB hosted the 124th NBL National Black Business Conference (2024): A landmark event attended by more than 3,000 participants and delegations from 32 Pan-African countries, with the President Joseph Boakai of Liberia as keynote speaker.
- USAID/NABB partnership (2024): A historic memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening business ties between Black businesses in the United States and the Pan-African diaspora.
- NBL/NABB Black Supplier Development Program (2024): Generated on $150 million in contracts, demonstrating the success of intentional economic inclusion strategies.
- USAID/NABB Trade Mission to the Caribbean (2024): Launch of initiatives aimed at developing trade between black American businesses and Caribbean nations.
The path to follow:
NABB will continue its momentum with the upcoming launch of the Black Business Enterprise (BBE) Certification and Dashboard program, scheduled for the NBL’s 125th National Black Business Quasquicentennial Conference in Atlanta In August 2025. This program will further strengthen conference host NABB’s role in promoting economic sovereignty and equitable distribution of resources for Black businesses around the world.
About the co-founders:
- NABB: A nonprofit federation of Black business and professional organizations dedicated to the advocacy of Black business, representing the interests of the United States and the Pan-African diaspora. Visit www.nationalallianceforblackbusiness.com.
- NBL: The oldest black business association, founded by Booker T. Washingtonadvocate for economic fairness since 1900 and owner of NABB. Visit www.nationalbusinessleague.org.
- CCNB: A prominent advocate for Black economic empowerment since 1993, with extensive chapter networks across the United States and around the world. Visit www.nationalbcc.org.
- WCM: Founded by the Honorable Johnny Ford, WCM facilitates global collaboration among mayors for economic and cultural development. Visit www.worldconferenceofmayors.org.
Media Contact:
Minehaha Forman, MBA
E-mail: (email protected)
Telephone: +1-510-220-0759
SOURCE The National Business League