Jon Banks gets my vote
The district 5 of the elections of the Glenwood municipal council is very lucky to have two beautiful candidates who arise for a headquarters. I read with interest the two opinion columns of these candidates, trying to find the differences that matter most to me. This difference that I found to be the principle of Jon Banks, underlined, guiding how the Council improves the lives of the inhabitants of Glenwood Springs – not for the traffic that passes, not for real estate agents and businesses, not for a larger budget of the city, but for the residents who live here.
This does not mean that other considerations are not important, but what I looked for and found in the Declaration of Jon Banks was the commitment to citizens and their quality of life. We must consider and, in some cases, control the endless growth assault. I find its position healthy and sustainable, and I would give it my vote. Maybe Steve Smith can be a writing for the position in general.
Barb Coddington, Glenwood Springs
A letter to Trump supporters
Trump Supporters,
At one point, the whole Baloney in which you bought on Fox News and Donald Trump will come back to you and slap your face, crash and burn. Whether it is an underestimated virus that is not followed, a fire in your region with a federal organization not enough to strike it fairly quickly, or not be able to visit national parks – or even more, destruction by forest exploitation or energy development in national parks and forests.
What about the drop in your gutter or your 401 (K) or your Social Security registration in a timely manner or obtaining timely increases? (No argument that was to be made in the federal government, but a methodical process and thought would have been good.)
Right now, it seems quite dark, and these are just a handful of destructive elements dismanting our country right now. Attack our allies and kiss cruel oligarchs. I’m not sure that Trump supporters really understand what the word freedom is talking about. You will certainly not find it in Russia or in Hungary. Simply discover the laws on firearms in these countries.
Well, democracy was great while we had it, right? Have fun telling your children and grandchildren of strong America actually once, before you endow you in Trump’s worship and it was too late when you get out.
Ann Szucs-Spencer, Glenwood Springs
Bridle the ditch
Peter Westcott recently wrote here on a “factual” fracture that he believes to have. He asked if there were takers to debate him. Accepted, Peter.
First of all, we do not have a fracture based on the facts. We have a fracture of values. “These supporters of Maga” voted massively for Trump and the plans he presented during the campaign. It’s a fact. These plans, which have gained in a landslide, are rooted in the values of the restoration of the rule of law, waste elimination and corruption to government, and restoration of our respect in the world rather than being a doormat and without responsibility.
Peter, you gave some anecdotes of what “you see”. Anecdotal evidence is only proof of an anecdote. Everyone can find something almost anywhere to strengthen their case, as empty as it can be. But let’s send your anecdotes.
If someone follows “each stage of the law” after crossing the border illegally, there was still a breaking law. It’s like wanting to keep the money after stealing the bank because you supported the needy with part of the money.
If a park park loses his job because he is determined by his boss that his work is redundant, useless or that he does not work, are they entitled to a job forever? Where is your same turning point when a private worker loses his job? I do not remember that your name is attached to any letter when people were abandoned during the cocovio era.
Is Zelensky the right to the money of the American taxpayer without any responsibility? Do we have to tolerate the lack of respect for a guy who canceled the elections in his own country, put the whole press under the control of the State and conscribed its own citizens? Does it look like your ideal democratic values?
I would just emphasize that you are looking bad in the room. The Americans massively support Trump’s policies. Your values lost big on the last elections. You have a choir you can preach, but an overwhelming majority of us agree with the values of the new administration. We want America to be great again.
Pedro Navaja, Glenwood Springs
To defend the nutritional farm
I attended the meeting of the commissioners of the county of Garfield when residents concerned of New Castle and Glenwood Springs were authorized to express their concerns concerning the planned development of the Nutrient Farm unit.
Several authorities on the use of land, zoning, water rights, fish and game and the land trust of Aspen. Many local people had lively information on the history of the use of the field, the water law, the risk of insurance, street traffic, lack of access to emergencies, fire risks, animal conflicts, the old mine, in particular the canyon stream and the unused Vulcan ditch.
Another authority that did not have enough time to present his case was next to me and explained another side of history. He is the agricultural engineer who is the director of the farm and lives at Apple Tree Park in New Castle. He explained the difficulties of cultivating food all year round in the climate and altitude of western Colorado. The greenhouse they recently completed cultivates vegetables and the farm has planted 283 fruit trees. But they must build more to produce the volume of food they are capable of.
The generator factory to provide electricity is part of this plan. Providing outdoor recreational activities in the field is another way of completing part -time income from food cultivation. There is a small store on the property with products for sale. It is open full-time and it is easy to buy by scanning a barcode on the products and paying with a debit card.
Andy Bruno posted the literature to residents of the neighborhood describing the quality of his organic beef and offering to sell it at a competitive price and even distribute it for free in the neighborhood. If we want beef and biological products cultivated biodynamically in our neighborhood, we could transform this controversial situation by contributing to our financial strength to the purchase of its agricultural products while opposing an overdevelopment.
Rev. Dr. Dia Lynn, New Castle
Thank you to the community for its support for fundraising
I love our community. I am so grateful to all the people involved in my recent collection of film projection funds.
In October, I headed the Chicago marathon as part of the Alive Rescue charity team, supporting an animal refuge without killing. On March 12, I organized a shot projection closed in the Crystal Theater, and after the expenses of theater / film rental, collected more than $ 1,800.
Many thanks are in order. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Bob and Kathy Ezra for having made the whole event possible and to be such kind and graceful hosts.
Second, thanks to Juliana O’Clair with the independent post for covering my story and helped me sell the event.
Third, thank you to my good friends Nick Kilbourn, Allan Porter and Christine Helling for helping the door and the price of the price.
Fourth, thank you to companies, organizations and following people who donated the gift for the gift: Cari and Kula Yoga, Darin and Pedal and Stitch, Cooper and Outpost, Sara Besttie Porter, Julia and Lobitos, and Sarah and Sunshine and Moons.
Finally, thank you to all those who bought tickets and attended the show (or bought tickets and offered them so that others attend), bought tickets for the price gift and makes a donation to fundraising in general. You make a difference for rescue animals and help give our fur friends a better life.
Support your local animal shelters. Adopt – don’t buy – because rescue is the best breed money can buy. My rescue kitty comes from the colorado animal rescue (and travel at home with rifle before that) and brings incomparable love and love every day to my life.
Jessi Rochel and Bergi Le Cat, Carbondale