Meghan MarkleThe love of all that is the lifestyle shines in its new Netflix series, With love, MeghanWhere she cooks, harvest of honey, makes homemade bath salts and does everything with love and intention for those who are close to her in her life.
The Duchess of Sussex Pivot to Lifestyle Content did not leave Blue, because before her marriage to Prince Harry, she created a blog of popular lifestyle entitled The Tig, which she founded in 2014. So why was he closed? Discover here …
What was the TIG?
The TIG was Meghan’s popular lifestyle blog that it built like an exciting project while playing on successful combinations. The site has experienced many updates of Meghan’s own life, as well as subjects such as restaurants, travel, fashion and cooking.
Her friend, Silver Tree, described it on the documentary of Netflix Harry & Meghan, saying: “When she described me (the blog), she was like,” it’s as if your best friend told you all the funny things you want to know in one place. “”
Did Meghan earn money with the TIG?
Although not verified, it is believed that Meghan would have won about $ 80,000 (£ 62,800) with his lifestyle blog from mentions, sponsorship and brand.
Why did Meghan end the Tig?
Meghan recently talked about his decision to close his blog in 2017 before knotting the knot with Prince Harry, alluding to the fact that she could not continue her lifestyle blog after having become a member of the British royal family.
She told People magazine: “Well, I loved the Tig, but I certainly like my husband more. So it was a choice I made at the time, and I wouldn’t change that for a second.”
She added: “My husband met me when I had the tig, and I see this spark in his eyes when he sees me doing the thing I did when he met me for the first time.”
The mother of Deux -DEUX has referenced the blog in a video announcing her new brand like never before, adding: “Like never essentially, it has always been, and if you have followed me since 2014 with the TIG, you know that I have always liked cooking and crafts and gardening – that’s what I do. And I couldn’t share it with you in the same way in recent years, but now I can.”
This is not the first time that Meghan had spoke of leaving aspects of his career before her marriage. She also talked about the abandonment of her career during the couple’s engagement interview in November 2017.
Speaking to Harry, she said: “It’s a new chapter. Good.
His farewell on the tig
Before leaving the blog in 2017, Meghan shared a farewell to his fans, writing: “To all my friends Tig. After almost three beautiful years in this adventure with you, it’s time to say goodbye to Tig.
“What started as a passionate project (my little engine that could) have become an incredible community of inspiration, support, pleasure and frivolity. You have made my days brighter and filled this experience with so much joy. Continue to find these moments of discovery, continue to laugh and take risks, and continue to be the change you want to see in the world ”.”
“Above all, never forget your value – as I told you over and over again: you, my sweet friend, you are enough. Thank you for everything.”
What does the name mean?
The TIG was appointed according to Meghan’s favorite wine, Tignanello. She learned more about the “body, legs and wine structure”, leading to the memorable name.
She previously explained: “It was a moment AH-HA to her best. For me, it became a moment of” tig “- a moment to obtain it. From this moment, any new conscience, brand new discovery or” Ohhhhh, I got it! The moment was a “tig” moment.