Peoria (25News now) – Those who are blind or visually impaired will have access to more modernized technology thanks to a generous subsidy.
Thursday morning, the Central center of Illinois for the blind and visually disorders received a subsidy of $ 20,400 from the group of volunteers. Peoria Heights Suburban Lion’s Club For more recent technology that helps those in the Tri-limté area.
Part of the technology includes long GPS compatible white rods, portable devices and audio print devices and microwaves.
CICBVI’s operations director Paula Balisheri said these aircraft are not covered by insurance and can cost her thousands of dollars in their pocket, so the center lends to people for free.
“We are very intentional to find the last and the best with regard to what exists,” said Balisteri. “The progress that has been made in technology is phenomenal, but people do not know, that’s what we do. You can use your smartphone as anyone does.”
Director of the 1-H District for the Lion Club of the suburbs of Peoria Heights, Mark Bean, said that the organization was involved with Cicbvi for many years.
“As a district governor, I was able to make a counterpart subsidy,” he said. “All our clubs have brought together our funds and we have increased the minimum amount of $ 10,000 and they have equaled the grant.”
The instructor in assistance technology for CICBVI, Deanna Bruce, which is visually impaired, breaks down some of the video surveillance characteristics.
She also said that it was incredible to see so much adaptive hardware and software these days.
“Videosurveillance can speak,” said Bruce. “You can take a photo, and this is called optical character recognition. It will convert the characters to verbal output.”
CICBVI has been in Peoria since 1955.
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