Sisters wives Stars Kody and Robyn Brown are in the middle of another melodramatic disorder – The endless battle of Coyote passes – And it seems that the fact that they like a high -end lifestyle cause problems in the famous Brown family. Since Kody and Robyn seem to live big, while the ex-women leave, an unfortunate dynamic of Cinderella has developed. Janelle Brown shouts the poor, and the jostling of Meri Brown to reach both ends.
Meanwhile, Kody posted an amulet David Yurman Flashy and Robyn $ 200 of Tory Burch sandals.
Remember the glory days of Marie Antoinette, when she fought with good good in a wig powder, unconscious because the guillotine was intended to fall? Maybe Kody and Robyn should learn from history, and Divide the product of a potential COYOTE pass from a potential sale. If they don’t, they will not face a lot of angry proles, but they could get a serious hue on social networks.
Anyone who has watched the last seasons of the show knows that Janelle has money problems and Meri’s level of confidence is a historic hollow. If Kody continues to drag the sale of this land, when the ex who suffered sufficiently need a cold and hard, there could be a revolution. Right now, the series is still alive, but How much can be despised by Kody and Robyn Before people decide to find other sources of “entertainment”? Just there is no need for these coyote pass Mind games.
Gwendlyn hardly dissected Kody & Robyn spending habits
She thinks they waste their money
Kody and Robyn may need a cash infusionBecause they recently listed their flagstaff palace, Arizona for a cool $ 1.65 million. Although it may be that they have not listed the property for sale because they are hard, there is always the chance that they live beyond their means. In a clip of the YouTube channel of Gwendlyn Brown, as indicated above, Gwendlyn Go for the jugular, really roasting her father. In the past, she has referred to her excessive expenses. Now she says he’s arms Coyote to hurt Janelle. Gwendlyn said Kody:
Delayed on the sale of Coyote Pass to punish Janelle.
This comment is so worrying. Kody would it be really cruel to punish a woman who stayed with him for decades, going out to work to support the family, just because she Finally tired of a marriage without love and without sex? Is he not evolved? The answer is probably “yes”. While The very confident gwendlynInherited more than Smidgen from her father’s explosive spirit, she knows him well.
However, there is no evidence that he deliberately drags the saga of the Col de Coyote to draw a rise from his ex.
Kody and Robyn would have consumers of great times. They are always identified as a quiet cruise of shopping centers. However, sometimes Kody accelerates the pace. He was seen Speed through the place of a hotel in Las Vegas, breaks in stores. Are they purchasing emins? Again, no one knows with certainty, but Gwendlyn says they waste their cold and hard money.
Their house is a show, with large kitchen, a large area and a living room suitable for impressive entertainment. Meanwhile, Janelle had to live in a cramped apartment with a kitchen, trying to cook for her brood in the confined space. This mentality to “let eating cake” led to serious problems. Everyone knows Robyn is the queen of KodyBut that does not mean that they must treat ex as peasants. For years, these wives are supported to the family. When Janelle left, she said that she was leaving practically nothing.
Kody challenged him, even if Janelle is a very honest and earth-to-earth woman. She is not as selfish as Kody, who talks about her incredible “ABS,” tools in a white convertible (well, he used) and makes remarks to cring Romantic tension with Robynwhich is apparently so thick could cut it with a knife. Kody is the one with the rants, mood swings, attitude and boastful – Janelle is the voice of reason. So if she says she left with little money, it could be intelligent to believe it.
Robyn lives as a royalty
She has good
Robyn is all in a doll in creative sandals while Kody Cygne in silky shirts The color of Easter eggs. They live high on pork during Janelle and Meri wear sensitive luminous leggings. Is it fair? It seems that Kody just slipped to spend most of his money on him and Robyn and their children. He does not hang on it, but his children by other mothers, including Gabriel Brown, said that they felt like they were not attracting enough attention from their father. This could, in theory, extend to Kody’s financial life.
Favoritism dropped this family – it was not a meritocracy. It was about Kody’s romantic fantasy with Robyn – Not on which the wives won their dungeon or deserved more. With Kody, it is still Robyn, and now, when his sad trip to Coyote passes, Robyn added the insult to the injury. The Queen of the Heart of Kody, Robyn, made a rude “Principal family” comment On the screen, which created a real mentality “us and them”.
Maybe Robyn did not want to offend, by distinguishing it, Kody and their children outside other brown children, but she made the headlines, and that didn’t look good. Robyn is consumed with good women to a support that left because their life with Kody was not satisfied. He didn’t even sleep with Christine, his wife!
Is it really necessary to make declarations also underlines the inequality which destroyed a large family? No way. Money is a facet of hot disorder which is the brown family dynamic. However, for the Sisters wives Stars is just the tip of the iceberg.
Source: Gwendlyn Brown/ YouTube