First Indonesian studio Magma Entertainment showcased its upcoming slate and premiered new content at the ongoing show Jogja-Netpac Asian Film Festival (JAFF) and JAFF Marketmarking an expansion across multiple genres from 2025 to 2028.
The company screened nine minutes of “Qodrat 2,” the sequel to its hit 2022 film, with director Charles Gozali, producer Linda Gozali, editor Teguh Raharjo and new executive producer Dian Sastrowardoyo in attendance at the JAFF event sold out.
Magma also presents the world premiere of the horror film “The Damnation” (“Tumbal Darah”), its first co-production with Wahana Kreator and Sinemaku Pictures, at JAFF. The film stars Martino Lio and Shallum Ratu Ke. Producer Salman Aristo cited Magma’s openness to “authentic stories” and creative freedom in horror.
Founded by siblings Charles and Linda Gozali, the children of pioneering Garuda Films producer the late Hendrick Gozali, Magma was founded in 2003. The listing heralds the detailed expansion of the “Qodrat” universe with the “Qodrat” franchise 3” and “The Devil’s Lair”. . A partnership has been signed with Komet Production for the horror film “Dance of the Damned”, which will be a spin-off of “Qodrat”.
New horror titles also include “Jump Scare” and Garuda Films’ remake “Sumpah Pocong.” The action category includes “Perang Tanding”, “Death Trap”, “Luck” and the Korean co-production “Kampung Kubur” with producer Choi Yoon.
Other remakes from Garuda Films are planned – “Lady in a Trap” (“Perempuan Dalam Pasungan”), “The Wedding” (“Ranjang Pengantin”) and “November Boys”.
The company has acquired the rights to the folk tale “Timun Mas” from Studio Caravan, with producer Linda Gozali highlighting its potential for international appeal.
Magma also hosted an acting masterclass featuring Cecep Ruhian, Jonathan and Teguh Raharjo.