On the sidelines of a global conference of communication Dicastery-for organized for the communications jubilee, the renowned technological expert made online spaces which focus on the good, rather than on the bad, and to raise the moral quality of Communications.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov
We must improve the moral quality of our communication and work towards social platforms that promote the common good …
In an interview with Vatican Media, Tech Guru, Eli betthe current founder and co -director of New audience Network, a non -profit organization dedicated to the construction of flourishing digital public spaces, launched this call, because it explained how to promote and invest in significant online communities that contribute to good.
The comments were made during the Jubilee of the Communications World On the sidelines of a global conference, organized by the Dicastery for the Communication of the Vatican, in partnership with The Dicastery for Evangelization, which seeks to answer some of the most frequent questions that Church communicators are confronted today.
Those who follow the meeting are presidents of episcopal commissions for communication, directors of social communications offices, international coordinators of religious congregations.
Eli Parris, who says on his website that he wants to help technology and the media to serve democracy, has had many commercial successes, especially in 2011, anticipated the dangers of a hyper-personalized Internet and introduced the “Filter bubble” at the lexicon, in his successful book by the New York Times of the same name.
Bill Gates, Sir Tim Berners-Lee and other technology and lighting giants on the Internet have since expressed their concern concerning the concept of “filter bubble” of Parris, which, parris, also helped to highlight more in its TED speech, which was seen by millions.
The author, activist and entrepreneur, who focuses on how to do the technology and the media of democracy, has also helped direct Moveon.org, co -founded Avaz.org, who is now the largest citizen organization of the world and co-founded upworthy.
Mr. Parris, what attracted you to this communications jubilee in the Vatican and what message do you send?
Well, what attracted me was that we live in a very fractured and dangerous moment. Not only in the world, but in the way we communicate with each other online. Therefore, it seems so important to me that we remember the moral quality of the way we communicate, and that we also think of the way of structuring our communication media in a way that supports our “angels” rather than our “demons”. Therefore, this is the message I’m here to talk about. I am here to discuss how we build online spaces that remove the best of the United States and not the worst.
Social media platforms occupy an incredibly powerful space around the world. Observing their immense influence, what obligation do they have towards the common good?
I think the problem is that the social media platforms that we have at the moment are not designed for the common good. They are built for advertisers. They are built in this descending way where they are essentially kings (like) Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. And it is not very useful when we try to come together as a community. Given this, I think we have to think beyond commercial platforms and start thinking about how we build the community in other ways online and in a manner that highlights civic virtue rather than just trade .
You have a lot of expertise and understanding of civic commitment and the promotion of the community. What is necessary to create and lead this momentum, so that it can really be a useful and reliable resource, for its users and subscribers?
I am very inspired by the way we have built communities in the offline world, and we have invested in parks and libraries and churches and all these places which consist in gathering people in a different way rather than Just sell things. I think we have to make this online investment, which seems difficult to imagine now. But it was difficult to imagine when people started making parks that you could have public parks for everyone. Therefore, I think we have to have a certain faith and we have to get a construction, and there are many people in the world who are already building today.
Could you talk a bit about New_Publics activities and what you are working on now?
New_Public is a R&D laboratory by looking at how we build digital public spaces that really serve the whole person, the soul and the community rather than advertisers. We work with a lot of public media organizations from Australia to Europe via Canada, and we are also starting to build local digital public spaces where people can communicate with other people in their community and meet offline.
As we know, you highlighted the phenomenon of the “filter bubble …” After your analyzes, what did that taught you about the power of communication? What do you think is the kind of power?
I think Colin McCann said yesterday that the shortest distance between two people is a story, and I think it is both the shortest distance and that it is also the most distant distance, depending on whether We share the same stories, or if we can hear the stories of the other. And so, what we need are the communication media that help us hear the stories of others and help us understand where we come from, which must be designed in a different way from the communication media That we have now, who really imprisoned us in a very small “bubble” of a story alone.
Has this global conference on communication here been enriching for you?
It was enriching, and it was very inspiring to hear the Pope, and to hear the Holy Father and other people, really speaking to the moral importance of building a communication medium that works for all world. It is not only a question of technology, it is a question of morality and spirit. It was really, really moving to hear.