Brandi Why does not claim that she has lived in the past four years of fear, like her Intimate partner violence The case moves through the court system.
“If I speak and someone sees my face and hear my story, it may help them get out of their situation,” she said.
In 2021, just after giving birth to her daughter, Whynot said that she had been attacked by her ex-partner.
Things had not been perfect in their relationship, but she said that she had tried to make it work for her family.
“There was a morning that I woke up, and he smoked in the house, which I told him not to do several times because I have asthma, the baby had asthma,” said Whynot.
“I took the cigarette for him, and I turned it off, and I turned around to go away. When I turned around, he came to me from behind, “she said, her trembling voice.
“The first thing I remember, I felt like he was trying to break my neck. It was very violently twisted.”
Whynot said that she thought that when her partner realized that “did not work”, he pinned it against the wall and started to suffocate it.
“And the last thing I remember before you vanish, it is:” I will die and I will never see my daughter again. “”
But why did not say that he had given way, and she was able to escape with her baby.
She said that she had gone to the hospital and said her doctor instantly knew that something was wrong and called the RCMP.
Now she speaks with the hope that the generation of her daughter will not have to do so.
“I want to show that her women are strong and powerful,” said Whynot. “And they don’t need to take this, you know?”
The ex de Whynot has been accused of various offenses, including two chiefs of aggression involving a strangulation – an accusation that is not suitable for Why no.
“I think it should be tempted to murder,” she said. “I do not see what other objective someone is trying to do, when they suffocate someone until it is unconscious.”
Global News contacted the ex de Whynot, who denies allegations against him.
On the phone, he said that he had never suffocated why, but instead, put him in a struggle “ Nelson ”, which he claims to be a self -defense.
The former of Whynot was released in conditions, but four years later, his accusations have not yet been tested in court.
The test dates were originally fixed at the end of 2022, but when the ex-ne didn’t arise, they were forced to warm up twice.
In both cases, he did not appear, which said he has no lawyer.
Whynot said he has the impression that his life was on a break until she obtained justice, but according to the crown, a trial could be a long time to come.
Reynold Gregor / Global News
“And when mandates have been set up for his arrest, I said to myself of course:” I’m going to call the RCMP, I know where he is “,” said Whynot. She said he had to call him several times in a month so that the police could arrest him.
“The cop has essentially laughed at me,” she said. “‘It is like,’ oh yeah, I see that you have called a few times here ” and it is like I have Because I am concerned about my security because he jumps out the dates of the court. »»

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Global News attended the last hearing of the accused court in Annapolis Royal on March 18, in a fourth attempt at solid trial dates.
But why not’s ex did not appear.

Instead, he had a defense lawyer Darren MacLeod with Nova Scotia in terms of legal aid on his behalf.
The chairman who presided said that even if the dates are set for the trial, they have probably changed once he gets advice. They told Global News that if a defense lawyer went on behalf of an accused, even if he is not hired to represent them in the trial, he cannot issue an arrest warrant.
According to the RCMP, cases of violence between intimate partners are the absolute priority for the provincial officers, but they can only execute arrest mandates in accordance with the instructions of the crown.
“They can issue a mandate that gives the police the power to arrest an individual and immediately bring them before the courts,” said the CPL. Holly Murphy, with the Criminal Operations Support Unit of the RCP of Nova Scotia.
“They can also issue another type of mandate which gives the police the power to arrest an individual, then release them on documents for another hearing date.”
CPL. Holly Murphy is represented at the Burnside GRC headquarters, NS, after having spoken with Global News in the way the agents are required to manage bench mandates.
Ella Macdonald / Global News
Revalle the criminal justice system
Whynot said that she had trouble with the lack of communication and the support of the justice system.
“The simple fact of trying to find the head of my case was a disaster,” said Whynot. “They reassured it five or six times different. They do not update me on anything. ”
The frustration of Whynot is not at all surprising for defenders on the ground.
“In the case of Brandi, when she had to wait four years, the assessment which must inflict an individual is unfathomable,” said Nancy Ross, an associate professor specializing in domestic violence of the Social Work School of the University of Dalhousie.
“You may have trouble sleeping at night, you know, you may have experienced flashbacks. You might feel depressed,” said Ross.
“And all these things would be understandable answers to an expectation that induces great stress.”

Ross has worked with many victims of violence between intimate partners who fought with the slowness of legal proceedings.
She explained that the judicial system deals with cases of domestic violence as a “single size” and often does not adopt an approach focused on trauma.
“Make a revision of these policies and imagine other possibilities would require more investments-in terms of search for what we can do to better support the victims, which provides a system where delinquents can assume responsibility and where we can have a greater sense of justice for all,” she said.
For why, the current justice model is designed to fail the victims.
“Nothing is done, I am completely ignored, and if he is not going to court, I never get a trial,” she said. “So, I have the impression that he can continue to skip court dates, and they will never do anything.”
In addition to a ban prescription, why does not worry, nothing prevents him from presenting himself at his door.
“I have spent the last four years of my life with it. I am in therapy and I have trouble, I was diagnosed with an SSPT, “she said. “I just have the impression that nobody takes me seriously.”
Regarding the RCMP and the judicial system, Why did not say that it had the impression that it did not matter.
“Every woman who goes through a matter of domestic violence should feel supported and represented correctly,” said Whynot. “And I feel like I was just another number for them.”
If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, call 911.
A list of resources for those experience violence between intimate partners:
BRYONY house in Halifax.
Shelters for women and their children Live violence.
New Scotland Refuge For an emergency shelter for men. For children or adolescents.
If you need crisis services, please call or send an SMS 211 or free Toll 1-855-466-4994.