The Florida Atlantic University’s college of affairs recently organized a ribbon cup ceremony to celebrate the official name of the Marketing Department office in honor of Professor Emeritus Eric Shaw, PH.D., commemorating its unwavering dedication and its significant impact on the university.
The Florida Atlantic University Affairs College recently organized a ribbon cup ceremony to celebrate the official name of the Marketing Department Bureau in honor of Professor Emeritus Eric Shaw, Ph.D., commemorating its unshakable dedication and its significant impact on the university.
“The most important thing to know about me is that I like FAU,” said Shaw. “It was the most wonderful trip. I am an owl for life. Today, you can honor me, but I really feel indebted to Florida Atlantic University for the excellent education she gave me, the great mentors I had, the wonderful colleagues with whom I worked and the students with bright and impatient minds. “
More than 100 people attended the revealing of the suite of the Marketing department of Dr Eric Shaw, of which The acting president Fa Stacy Volnick
; Daniel GropperPh.D., dean of Business college; And Venky Jagannathan, the former Shaw doctorate. student. The speakers highlighted Shaw’s sustainable impact as a researcher, mentor and leader, citing his dedication to the field of marketing, his approach to student centered education and his university service.
“It was an honor to see such a wonderful group coming to honor Dr. Eric Shaw and the great impact he had in Florida Atlantic,” said Gropper. “Thanks to his enormous influence as a teacher, as a scientist and with his philanthropic gifts, he played a decisive role in the success of this university. Its inheritance will undoubtedly allow years to come, in particular with the name of the suite of Dr Eric Shaw Department of Marketing. ”
Shaw spent his life committed to promoting excellence in the performance of students and supporting those of the Florida Atlantic community. He received his BBA in 1972 and MBA in 1973, joining the Faculty of the College of Business as a marketing instructor shortly after. He then attended Temple University, where he obtained his doctorate. Then returned to FAU in 1982 where he held numerous positions at university before retired in 2014.
During more than three decades, Shaw was dean partner of the College of Business, acting director of his School of Industry Studies and president of the Marketing Department. He is also a former president of the Senate of the Faculty and has sat on the Board of Directors of the FAU, the Board of Directors of the FAU Foundation and the FAU Alumni Association. He also taught the faculties of Rutgers University and the University of Miami during his career.
As a benefactor, Shaw has promised more than $ 3 million in his succession to Florida Atlantic, becoming one of the greatest members of staff or donors of the history of the university. This donation benefits several fields of FAU, offering scholarships and excellence prices to students athletes, as well as business students, honor company and music. Shaw is also inducted from the renowned temple of the ancients of the FAU and received the Talon prize from the FAU for the leadership of the faculty and the leadership price of the president of the FAU.