An audience has been set for two laws offered in California which would no longer allow transgender athletes to participate in the sports of girls and women. The Committee of Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Tourism of the Assembly on April 1 will hear AB 844, which would overthrow the law of California which allows trans athletes to participate in the sports of girls and women for people at primary and collegial level. The Committee will also examine AB 89, which would limit the ban on trans athletes to the sports of secondary girls. The audience would mark the first public debate on the question, because Governor Gavin Newsom said that having trans athletes in the sports of girls and women is “deeply unfair” on his episode of Podcast featuring the conservative political activist Charlie Kirk. “I WROTE AB 844 To Repeal A DECADE-OLD STATE LAW that permit biological boys to Join Girls’ Sports Teams and Enter their locker Rooms. California has undermined the historic efforts to Safeguard Women in Schools and Vulnerable Spaces,” Said Assembly Bill Essayli, R-Corona 844. “We’ll find out if sacramento democrats will do the right thing and stand with governor Newsom and me on this commonsense, or if they will cling to their radical radical policy which lost them the last presidential election.” The Republicans as Essayli are skeptical that the Democrats of the Assembly legitimately of the question. The assembly Kate Sanchez, R-R-RECHO Santa Margarita, wrote AB 89 and told Kcra 3 that she had spoken to the Democrats on Monday morning of the hearing. “Some of them have the impression that it is a good option for the conversation, to have a complete and robust conversation,” Sanchez told Kcra 3. “Others say that it is a way to return to the governor and is very frustrated.” The question had not been a non-start for the legislature led by the Democrats of California for years, but was recently at the center of attention after the launch of Governor Newsom’s podcast, “This is Gavin Newsom”. In the first episode, he revealed in Charlie Kirk the question of trans athletes in female girls and sports is “deeply unfair”. Previous cover | California Governor Gavin Newsom opposes Trans athletes in female sports, separating with progressives because of the remarks, he asked Kirk what advice he had for Democrats after losing the 2024 elections. Kirk told him that he should intensify and say that Trans athletes can no longer compete in female sports. “Are you doing something like that? No men in female sports?” Kirk asked. “I think it is a problem of equity. I fully agree with you. It is a problem of equity. It is deeply unfair,” replied Newsom. “We have to own it, we must recognize it.” But the governor will not now recognize that the legislation moved by the Capitol of the State. Last week, the Governor would not say if he would support bills that were tabled to prohibit trans athletes. He told journalists: “I have not seen legislative proposals, I have not seen anything.” The Governor’s office said on Monday that it does not comment on current legislation. The chairman of the committee who will hear the bills next week is deputy Chris Ward, D-San Diego, who is the head of the California legislative Caucus. He noted that athletes Trans probably represent much less than 1% of state athletes. “In one way or another, viral videos can explode this to give the impression that there is this overwhelming activity there while in reality, some individuals who are looking for their own fulfillment and the ability to be good and participate in sport, are really targeted and harassed,” said Ward. Asked about the governor’s reluctance lately weighing on the legislation, Ward noted that he was “incredibly disappointed” when he heard the governor’s remarks on his podcast. “It would have been great to have this conversation in advance, but it did not happen,” said Ward. “We hope to be able to speak to him directly a little more to see if he will advance this opinion.” “It lies either that he is ignorant. He does everything he thinks is politically appropriate at the time,” said Essayli when he asked him the same question. “He tries to have them in both directions. It will not work, I think the governor will find himself without friends at the end of this process.” See more coverage of the best California stories here | Download our application | Subscribe to our morning newsletter | Find us on YouTube here and subscribe to our channel
An audience has been set for two laws offered in California which would no longer allow transgender athletes to participate in the sports of girls and women.
The Committee of Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Tourism of the Assembly on April 1 will hear AB 844, which would reverse the law of California which allows trans athletes to participate in the sports of girls and women for people in primary school and up to the college level. The Committee will also examine AB 89, which would limit the ban on trans athletes to the sports of secondary girls.
The audience will mark the first public debate on the question, because Governor Gavin Newsom said that having trans athletes in the sports of girls and women is “deeply unfair” on his episode of Podcast featuring the conservative political activist Charlie Kirk.
“I WROTE AB 844 To Repeal A DECADE-OLD STATE LAW that permit biological boys to Join Girls’ Sports Teams and Enter their locker Rooms. California has undermined the historic efforts to Safeguard Women in Schools and Vulnerable Spaces,” Said Assembly Bill Essayli, R-Corona 844. “We’ll find out if Sacramento democrats will do the right thing and stand with governor Newsom and me on this commonsense, or if they will cling to their radical radical policy which lost them the last presidential election.”
Republicans like Essayli are skeptical that the Democrats of the Assembly hold the audience to legitimately discuss the issue. The assembly Kate Sanchez, R-R-RECHO Santa Margarita, wrote AB 89 and told Kcra 3 that she had spoken to the Democrats on Monday morning of the hearing.
“Some of them have the impression that it is a good option for the conversation, to have a complete and robust conversation,” Sanchez told Kcra 3. “Others say that it is a way to return to the governor and is very frustrated.”
The question was a non-start for the legislature led by the Democrats of California for years, but has recently been at the center of attention after the launch of Governor Newsom’s podcast, “it’s Gavin Newsom”. In the first episode, he revealed in Charlie Kirk the question of trans athletes in female girls and sports is “deeply unfair”.
| Previous cover | California Governor Gavin Newsom opposes Trans athletes in female sports, separating with progressives
Before the remarks, he asked Kirk what councils he had for the Democrats after losing the 2024 elections. Kirk told him that he should intensify and say that Trans athletes can no longer compete in female sports.
“Would you do something like that? No men in female sports?” Kirk asked.
“I think it is a problem of equity. I fully agree with you. It is a problem of equity. It is deeply unfair,” replied Newsom. “We have to own it, we must recognize it.”
But the governor will no longer recognize that the legislation moved by the Capitol of the State.
Last week, the Governor would not say if he would support bills that were tabled to prohibit trans athletes.
He told journalists: “I have not seen legislative proposals, I have not seen anything.”
The Governor’s office said on Monday that it does not comment on current legislation.
The chairman of the committee who will hear the bills next week is deputy Chris Ward, D-San Diego, who is the head of the California legislative Caucus.
Ward told KCRA 3 that next week’s hearing was to publicly present the complete arguments for and against proposals and to dissipate the disinformation of the Trans athletes community. He noted that athletes Trans probably represent much less than 1% of state athletes.
“In one way or another, viral videos can explode this to give the impression that there is this overwhelming activity there while in reality, some individuals who are looking for their own fulfillment and the ability to be good and participate in sport, are really targeted and harassed,” said Ward.
Asked about the governor’s reluctance lately weighing on the legislation, Ward noted that he was “incredibly disappointed” when he heard the governor’s remarks on his podcast.
“It would have been great to have this conversation in advance, but it did not happen,” said Ward. “We hope to be able to speak to him directly a little more to see if he will advance this opinion.”
“It lies either that he is ignorant. He does everything he thinks is politically appropriate at the time,” said Essayli when he asked him the same question. “He tries to have them in both directions. It will not work, I think the governor will find himself without friends at the end of this process.”
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