Bismarck, nd (Kxnet) – This Swiss knife of a musician, Mars Daniels, is preparing for the ND Country Fest this summer with big names in the world of country music. He spoke to us in the studio of his origins, what he is doing now and future plans in the making.
Daniels is not only a singer, but also a Wrangler, Yodeler and Musician / Song Writer.
As for the title Tortoise Wrangler, Daniels explained that he was working for Diplo, an American DJ and music producer, who had a turtle.
“His turtle, Hank, he is in a way his mascot, and he was an escape artist,” recalls Daniels. “So much time, I had to follow it, run everywhere in Malibu, knock on doors, go to people’s backwards.”
With Daniels, his associate DJ, Game Guy, joined us.
“During the shows, it’s always a great contrast, because I’m going to do acoustic stuff, then the stake guy will enter and go to turn and DJ, make the crowd excited,” said Daniels. “And then you still have this contrast between country music and then its playlist is quite diverse.”
Regarding performance, Daniels spoke of his excitement for ND Country Fest.
“A dream come true, honestly,” he said. “I always wanted to play with this caliber of artists and everything. And I’m going to make music until the day I die anyway. But it’s just such a blessing to be able to do it on these major steps. »»
He finished by expressing his gratitude.
“May God bless the North Dakota for having really helped and supported me.”
Daniels played “Backroads” and “Silver Stallion” live in the studio.
You can listen to the music of Mars Daniels on Spotify as well as Music apple. You can also follow his musical journey through his Instagram,, Facebook,, TiktokAnd YouTube.