Katy Petrisin knew she was going to arrive, but Saturday morning was a shock.
“We couldn’t even turn into a parking lot in the direction where I come from (from), so it was a big change,” she said.
Petrisin has Ware Ware Studio inside Vintage Village stores.
The stores are seated right next to a section of Durant Road which has become a sea of ​​construction cones and heavy machines, while NCDOT is preparing for a new major project: a new bridge over during which will sail on line S , a new train line connecting the Raleigh and Richmond connection.
The project should take almost two years, and noise, dust and traffic disruption have owners of small businesses like Petrisin Nervous.
“We are all alone, trying to make it work,” she said.
Stores become creative to find ways to publish in the middle of the waste.
The owners of Dog = Love, a pet shop, have recovered cast campaign panels and repainted them.
Others intensify their presence on social networks, such as the General Store Neuse.
“We … showing our customers what’s going on and how they can navigate the parking lot,” said Sherry Adams, retail assistant at the store.
Adams says that the construction company working on the project has also promised to install a flashing panel saying that companies are open and that the initial construction steps – eliminating trees and brushes – in fact stimulated business.
“We have managed it very positively,” she said.
The construction of the new bridge over during Road began on Saturday morning, while the crews began to clean the old paint and the lines on the road.
“We do the project in phases so that we do not have to interrupt traffic all the time,” said NCDOT spokesperson Kim Deaner.
Deaner says that this phase implies reducing the tracks for Road “by a few inches”, and should not last long.
The construction of the bridge itself will be more involved – but Deaner says, will finally have an advantage.
“In the end, it will be a beautiful project and the line S will be an excellent addition to relieve congestion around during Road, around Capitol Boulevard,” she said.