HONOLULU (Island News) — As Ross and 88 Mart prepare to close their doors, revitalization efforts continue into the new year in downtown Honolulu. This includes an alternative option for sports fans.
As Walmart permanently closes near King and Bethel, the 80,000-square-foot facility will reopen as Forte, a pickleball facility that will also include additional entertainment, bars and restaurants.
Avalon purchased the building last year.
Ben Dookchitra, Avalon Group’s chief investment officer, told Island News: “When we were thinking about what downtown needed, we knew it needed people and bodies to support local businesses and provide something right thing to do to all the people who work and live in this community.”
Scheduled to open Jan. 20, the facility will include six pickleball courts and would add many more in the near future.
Area residents spoke to Island News about the downtown addition.
“Pickleball would be great for the community, bring everyone together and keep everyone fit,” said Casey Carter of Honolulu.
With the facility opening later this month, Kaka’ako’s Peter Knapman said, “Downtown needs as much business, activity and variety as possible, if they put in something I can use, I will definitely go, and I’m happy to see it around me.
“It will be indoor, air-conditioned, it will be a great place to exercise and explore the rest of downtown,” Dookchitra added.
Avalon continually aims to attract new businesses, retain existing ones and attract new customers.
Many other stakeholders are also involved in neighborhood revitalization efforts.
In September of last year, WKF built 52 housing units at 1060 Bishop Street, completing the conversion from offices to housing.
In the meantime, there will be a downtown forum, where the entire downtown community will be invited to provide feedback and discuss future improvements. It’s scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday. Jan. 15 at the Downtown Hawaii YWCA. For more information, visit: hawaiibusiness.com