Two hospitals in the county of Delaware, Pennsylvania, who were in danger of closing will remain open, officials said.
On Sunday March 9, 2025, the Pennsylvania Dave Dave Dave Prosecutor on Sunday and the community group The County Foundation of Delaware announced that an agreement has been concluded to maintain Crozer Health – the largest health network in the county of Delaware – open for an immediate future while the permanent restructuring of the system is solidified. The agreement was concluded at an 11th hour meeting on Sunday in Harrisburg, officials said.
Last week, Medical Holdings Prospect – Who owns Crozer Health – told a bankruptcy court that he intended to close both the Crozer -Chester Medical Center in Chester and Taylor Hospital in Ridley Park.
The officials said that Prospect had said to a Judge in Texas on the morning of Thursday, March 6, 2025 that there was only enough money to keep hospitals open until March 14.
Prospect – A for -profit company that bought Crozer in 2016 – had filed a bankruptcy of Chapter 11 in January. Shortly after, it was placed under receivers while the officials of the State and the premises tried to find a way to keep it open.
Pennsylvania’s prosecutor General Dave continued the perspective at the end of last year, accusing the Crozer negligence and poor health management company.
On Sunday, March 9, the Texas judge summoned a meeting that included its superior staff, the County Foundation of Delaware, the CEO of Crozer Anthony Esposito and representatives of Prospect Medical Holdings on Sunday.
“I am happy that the games focused on how to move forward on behalf of the Pennsylvanians, instead of how we arrived here, and I worked on an agreement after more than six hours of negotiations,” said the Attorney General on Sunday. “I thank all the parties for their negotiations and sacrifices in good faith made to get there. This work has been done on behalf of the thousands of people and families who depend on the Crozer health system for essential services – and the many workers who provide this care. “”
Sunday said that FTI Consulting – The receiver appointed by the court – will supervise the management of the two hospitals for an immediate future.
The Government of the county of Delaware recently created a dedicated web pageAccessible in, to keep residents up to date on the state of hospitals belonging to prospects, the bankruptcy of prospect and the additional resources available for residents.
Residents are also encouraged to use the wellness line of Delaware County Health Department at (484) -276-2100.
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