The best family businesses in southern California will be honored March 20 At the renowned center of the Center for Family Business, the Cal State Fullerton unit Business and economy college This undertakes to supervise and support the region’s family business sector. Cindi Bigelow, third generation CEO of Bigelow Tea, will be the honor speaker of the event at Westin Anaheim Resort.
“The Hall of Fame prices highlight the important contributions that family businesses do in our community,” said Tim Schultz, director of the Center for Family Business, noting that family businesses represent 59% of jobs in the United States and 54% of the GDP of the nation. “These prices offer the possibility of recognizing and celebrating the best of the best.”
Current winners include Ayres hotels, Northgate Gonzalez markets, 7 sheets, Hydraflow and Advanced Beauty College. The winners of the fame have included manufacturers, supermarket chains, private schools, technological companies and many others, demonstrating the large -scale impact of the family business on the regional economy. Wienerschnitzel, the equipment created by teachers and F. Gavina & Sons are only some of the familiar names that have received these awards in the past years. Main speakers ranging from Lysi Snyder from In-N-out to Peter Mondavi by Charles Krug Winery enlightened the participants and provided a connection with the best and the most brilliant on the ground. Annual recognition is the only prices for known family businesses awarded by a university in Southern California.
This year’s event includes recognitions for five categories: emerging family businesses, which are recognized for their first steps to become a multi-generational company; Catalysts of family businesses, which lead by supporting other family businesses throughout their career; Social impact, to have a positive social impact through health and education, environmental sustainability and a more equitable and inclusive society; Generational inheritance prices, for family businesses that have prospered for four or more generations; And the lifetime production price, for individual contributions to the progression of the family business, such as the support of the Center for Family Business. The appointments are now closed for the 2025 event and the winners are currently selected.
In addition to the prices of the renowned temple, the center plans to welcome many workshops in 2025 to help family businesses meet the unique challenges of the family and business mixture. Collaborations with universities of Vietnam and India take on the activities of the center and have a global impact, facilitating an exchange of learning and international perspective. And like so many centers and programs from Cal State Fullerton, the Center for Family Business is taking Titan students in case study competitions. In April, the Center will associate itself with Women’s Leadership Center for an event supporting entrepreneurship and empowerment of women. As for opinion leadership, Kulraj Singh, assistant management professor, launched a study to document the economic and social impacts of family businesses in the County of Orange.
The Center for Family Business exists towards environments, experiences and creative opportunities that help managers prosper at all stages of the life cycle of family businesses.
For more Center for family business website or read Articles on family business. Register today To encourage the best family businesses in the region to the renowned temple on March 20.