New York: Chobani and her La Colombe coffee label have appointed confidant as their brand and lifestyle Aor.
Chobani carried out a DP at the end of 2024 to find a strategic partner to raise the brand’s narration through its wallet, including the dove. He hired a confidant in December, and the work began at the start of this year, according to a source familiar with the issue.
The confidant is at the top of the relationships with the brand and lifestyle media for Chobani and the Colombe, supporting the narration, the media won and the key launches of products and campaign, said the source.
The agency’s work focuses on generalized awareness of Chobani and Colombe thanks to consumer, food and commerce media. The program aims to build a coherent drum of media coverage, by obtaining narrative opportunities which present the role of Chobani as a category disruptor and food company focused on the mission. The confidant also supports Chobani in consumer education on the differentiation of products, including its high protein range and the breeding of “expertise in artisanal cafe” of the dove.
The confidant promoted the launch of the limited draft of the Colombe Latte Strawberry Mocha before Valentine’s Day with the Love Over Lattes campaign, which included Happy Hours of singles at Colombe cafes in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago.
The co-founder of the confidant, Garland Harwood, told Prweek by e-mail that the two brands “redefine their categories, not only through major products, but thanks to a leadership focused on objectives”.
A Chobani spokesperson was not immediately available to comment.
The New York account team of the Confident is led by Jeanne Montone, vice-president of Lifestyle, with the surveillance of Marie-Sophie Lantin, vice-president of the consumer, and the support of a mixture of strategists and experts in media relations.
Budget information has not been disclosed.
Confiding is a creative and strategic communication agency independent in the Nostos network. With offices in New York and Nashville, Tennessee, its customers include Amazon, Shake Shack, Sony, Aura, FI and Harlem Globetrotters, according to a press release from the company. Chobani Acquired the Colombe Coffee Roasters for $ 900 million In 2023. After that, Chobani began to sell espresso and cold pressed slats in the country’s cafes, as well as coffee drinks ready to drink from retail. Chobani also manufactures yogurt, oat milk and cremiars.
Last November, the director of communications chobani ben boyd Leaving the company Less than nine months after joining the yogurt brand. He is currently taking sabbatical leave, according to his LinkedIn profile. Boyd started in Chobani last MarchTaking up the title of communications chief of Nishant Roy, who is the director of the brand’s impact.
Private chobani remove the plans For a first public offer in the second half of 2022.