In simple terms, hormones are chemical messengers that are essential for regulating metabolism, fertility, mood and other critical functions of the body. Did you know that there are measures you can take to support your hormonal health? In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Sheetal Jindal, principal consultant at Jindal IVF Chandigarh, underlines the importance of food and lifestyle in the maintenance of hormonal balance. Read also | Hormonal imbalance: What are the real deep causes? Doctor explains

Hormonal balance and diet
She says: “The human body contains more than 200 hormones, including estrogens, testosterone, cortisol, insulin, leptin and thyroid hormones, all these hormones are very influenced by the quality of our diet. The choice of unfavorable food causes hormonal imbalance, manifesting itself as low energy, mood swings, reproductive health problems and even cognitive disorders. »»
Dr Sheetal Jindal gives the example of an excessive contribution of processed foods and refined carbohydrates, which are recognized to induce insulin resistance and thus increase vulnerability Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders. On the other hand, food diets based on whole foods with high levels of antioxidants, healthy fats and fibers help maintain the production, regulation and functioning of hormones, she says.

Advantages of following a healthy diet for women, men
Eating according to what our body needs is important to maintain a balanced hormonal system, promoting general well-being and improving long-term health, she adds. Conversely, unfavorable food choices can cause hormonal imbalances, causing problems such as low energies, mood swings and reproductive health problems.
“”Optimal weight and nutrition in women Can affect the estrogen levels favorably, improving menstrual health and fertility. Likewise, good consumption of essential proteins and fats in men can increase testosterone levels, which facilitates muscle mass and energy. Research has shown that even a weight loss of 5% in obese women leads to a significant improvement in endocrine function, such as reduced levels of free testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and insulin and increased ovulation frequency, “said Dr. Jindal.
She adds: “Weight loss Can also correct abnormal levels of sex hormones, especially in premenopausal women and hyperandrogenic women. Adequate consumption of micronutrients such as vitamins D, B6 and magnesium can further support hormonal production and regulation. »»

Lifestyle recommendations
By following Dr Jindal’s recommendations below, you can support hormonal balance, general well-being and long-term health:
1. eat regular meals
An irregular diet or a meal jump leads to blood sugar fluctuations, which causes unstable insulin levels. Eat regularly at equal intervals during the day to ensure constant blood sugar and hormone levels.
2. Support intestinal health
GOOD intestinal health helps to regulate hormones more effectively. To improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients, include probiotics and foods containing fibers such as yogurt, fermented vegetables, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.
3. Sleep well
SleepingBecause it is important to regulate hormones. Not enough sleep can increase cortisol, upset insulin levels and play with reproductive hormones. Get 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night.
4. Consider intermittent fasting
This type of food can help balance hormones by making your cells more sensitive to insulin and reducing inflammation, but it’s a good idea to see a health professional to see if it’s the best choice for you.
5. Stay hydrated
Hormonal well-being depends on adequate hydration. Drink a lot of water to help with metabolic functions and the transport of hormones.

6. Reduce caffeine and alcohol
Too much caffeine and alcohol can interfere with cortisol and estrogen levels. Reducing these stimulants can help better regulate hormones and prevent imbalances.
7. Eat a varied diet
Eat a wide range of foods that are nutrient To cover all vitamins and minerals. Having a variety of colored vegetables, fruit, lean meats and healthy fats offers a balance of nutrients that helps overall hormonal well-being.
8. Add adaptogenic herbs
Some herbs, such as Ashwagandha, the Maca root and sacred basil, have properties that allow your body to respond to stress by adapting and stabilizing cortisol levels. These can help regulate hormones in response to stress.
9. Draw the endocrine disruptors
Limit exposure to synthetic chemicals found in processed foods, plastic containers and non -organic products. These chemicals can imitate hormones and disturb the natural hormonal balance of your body.
Note to readers: This article is for information purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always find your doctor’s opinion with questions about a medical condition.