BIRMINGHAM, AlabamaWBRC) – The Alabama Wellness Alliance (AWA) announced the “For Every Body” campaign, which encourages healthy behaviors and access to resources for all Alabamians, regardless of age, race, size or ability of capacity.
AWA says the campaign includes graphics and social media posts that can be used to increase awareness of the Alabama Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan, promote state and local events, promote healthy behaviors, encourage the use of community resources, and more.
“Everyone can take small steps toward better health. The ‘For Every Body’ campaign encourages participation in healthy behaviors such as eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking water and being physically active in the way you like,” said Lita Chatham, a member of the AWA.
AWA says the campaign toolkit provides information on health promotions and observances, sample social media posts by sector, and graphics in English and Spanish. You view and use the campaign toolkit and materials on this site.
The AWA is a volunteer organization that seeks to create a healthier Alabama through advocacy, environmental change and programs to support and promote healthy lifestyles.
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