Authoritarian girl guide
As a current leader in information technology with a non -traditional path to a technological career, I see The lack of female and minority representation in my chosen field through a unique lens. An objective which, when it is introduced to others, resonates strongly as a valid outlet and a missing voice.
The subject is important to me because I see the value and the advantages offered by a career in technology, not only all people, but specifically for More people like me. As a twenty -year -old technology professional, I saw certain things.
Yes, my sex is underrepresented in the careers of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). However, I really believe that the increase in a female presence in technology and careers adjacent to technology would have a diabolically impact in a positive way of technology on a local scale through.
Otherwise, who?
Although the flow of technological career jobs is a measurable reality, the shortage of people appropriate to fill these jobs is, in my opinion, an auto-induced error based on A blatant acceptance of the hand that stimulates as a career is neither an attractive nor acceptable choice for women.
Companies and foundations have invested exhaustive resources in the “STEM for girls” campaigns, to lead to a constant decrease in female representation in these career paths.
This is not what people think it is
There are a variety of traditional reasons for which women say they have chosen not to continue careers in technology.
Historical barriers
The examples include the lack of mentors, the lack of female models, gender biases, derogatory behavior in the workplace, unequal growth opportunities, lower salary scenarios, etc. These remain valid barriers today, but wait, there are more.
A lack of understanding
Historical obstacles are convincing and valid problems, but on the basis of my research, my experience and my interactions over the years, I think it also involves an extremely fundamental concern: This is not what people think it is.
Defined information technologies
Given that the very definition of “information technology” has not been updated since 1978 by Merriam-Webster, I believe that the hypotheses of people from a computer journey are extremely different from what the computer path is really today. And it is imperative that we modify the dialogue and reintroduce an updated, new and improved version of this rigorous industry, rich in opportunities.
Start listening and learning
Yes, this Bossy Girl series will discuss all the aforementioned problems. And (perhaps) a surprise, this series at the base is not only oriented towards a particular sex. To meet the national needs of technical expertise and support, we need all sexes.
However, traditionally, statistics for women in the STEM workforce show an inadequate representation. And it is not a real surprise that the presence of minority Women are even less.
In a perfect world, this new knowledge will attract a substantial number of women to help industry DNA correspond to that of the American population, but guys, we need you too! No stone will have been not returned to this series, the plea for a simple but complete consideration of our industry. False ideas will be detailed and a real representation will be revealed.
He’s not your grandfather
It’s different. And the world needs to know it. Technology, as well as all STEM careers, have a place for you!
Take a look at the next entry of the series:
For what?
Why is it important to consider information technologies (TI) as a career choice at all phases throughout the life course? Because opportunities and tracks have no limits. Whatever the past experience of the technology or the success of a lifetime (or its absence) with mathematics and sciences, there is room for everyone at the continuous growth table.
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