The United States is now engaged in its most consecutive technological competition since the 1812 war against the techno-economic power of this time, Great Britain. Its main adversary is today China, which leads a campaign of innovative state of the State to dominate the advanced industries of the world and degrade American economic power.
At this critical stage, American technological societies, in particular major multinational societies, play an essential role in strengthening American competitiveness and security, but they are faced with assaults on government policy in the country and abroad , which reduces their ability to innovate and compete. China not spending and adhering to a few commercial rules or global standards in its quest for technological supremacy, the issues could not be higher: America’s technological leadership, economic prosperity and national security are at stake .
The AEGIS project of ITIF to defend American technological technological leadership is to help the United States prevail in this struggle by identifying and opposing national and international policies which undermine the competitive position of major American technological companies. American decision -makers must understand that the limitation of attacks on American technological leaders is essential to maintain the world’s power and world leadership. (Learn more.)