In a new studyResearchers explored the experiences, perceptions and health effects of a newly developed healthy lifestyle intervention For people with Systemic lupus erythematosus (Sle).
This qualitative and descriptive study using discussion group discussions included 19 LED people with a cardiovascular risk. They participated in an intervention of the six -month behavioral lifestyle aimed at changing lifestyle behaviors called live with lupus. The intervention involved the establishment of objectives, home exercise and nutritional advice, in addition to the management of standard LED care and its comorbidity. Overall, individuals were mainly positive on intervention components, and new behaviors and knowledge was obtained. Daily functioning, mental health and general well-being have improved. The intervention has led to an improvement in eating habits and physical activity such as meal planning, reading food labels, increased water supply, home exercise and sedentary time reduction, participants from weight loss attention to overall health improvement. However, the evolution of behavior can be individually difficult to maintain and researchers have noted that other obstacles include socioeconomic and environment Challenges. The study also highlighted the importance of personalized support and motivation interviews to help participants overcome these obstacles and maintain changes in lifestyle.
This study underlines how a multifaceted lifestyle intervention can effectively improve healthy behavior, including physical and mental well-being and can guide future studies exploring the integration of lifestyle changes in LED treatment. Learn more about Stay active when you have lupus.