Dear Money Lady readers
Modeled on the health and well-being platform, the CLIP Group helps seniors navigate their retirement years in a more health-conscious manner to provide them with a better understanding of the five pillars of lifestyle medicine. These are :
- Nutrition
- Physical activity
- Sleep
- Stress management
- Social links
We need to remember that retirement lifestyle isn’t just about how much money you have. Of course, money is important and having enough of it in retirement reduces that uncertainty, but how much is enough?
If you have a house, money in the bank and can live comfortably, why are we still so unhappy as we age?
I believe our mood, our confidence and our self-esteem have a lot to do with it. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), increased social isolation, prolonged illness and disability, and the death of friends, spouses, and siblings tend to be leading factors in unhappiness among older adults. .
Changes in life have always been inevitable, but should never contribute to your demise. A health-conscious lifestyle can help you live longer, reverse chronic diseases, and provide a better standard of living. As you get older, the main reason to seek FPIC would be to become not only physically stronger, but also mentally stronger so that you can be happier, more easily able to cope better with change and, of course, be more satisfied with your life.
According to the NIH, people tend to age similarly, with studies highlighting a similar biological aging process between men and women. However, the NIH recently hypothesized that people in Western cultures tend to experience specific periods of accelerated growth throughout their lives. The biggest flare-ups occur around ages 34, 60 and 78. Most of us view aging as a gradual, linear process. However, it is possible to reverse this process or at least slow it down a little thanks to the five pillars of CLIP. This is something that not only older people should do, but all of us, so that we can enjoy each day as a gift.
Let me leave you with this thought: treat each day as a new beginning, a new day where you can choose who you want to be. Remember, you didn’t get to where you are today by chance. You place yourself where you are today. You have decided who to deal with, what to say and what to do. Every decision you make in your life is an opportunity. Only you can make the change to live better.
Good luck and best wishes,
Silver Lady
Written by Christine Ibbotson, author, financial editor, national radio host, and on CTV and BNN, broadcast across Canada. Send your questions via his website to