Lisa Kudrow revisits a sentimental gift from his deceased Friends castmate Matthew Perry.
“Matthew gave it to me at the end of our last episode,” Kudrow recalled in Tuesday’s episode. The Drew Barrymore Showreferring to a clock-shaped cookie jar prop from a season 8 episode. “I recently found the note he had in it for me. I hadn’t opened it or looked at it ‘inside, but yes, he did it. He had a note in there and I forgot about it. Timing is everything.
Host Drew Barrymore asked Kudrow if she had ever caught anything in the Friends together. “Yes, but I’m too scared to tell you what. I can’t say it either. I’m scared,” Kudrow replied. It was unclear whether she was thinking of the cookie jar clock, which Barrymore herself later spoke about. “Someone will come and take it away from me,” Kudrow said of his great memory.
The cookie jar clock is featured prominently in the season 8 episode “The One with the Cooking Class”. In the episode, Phoebe (Kudrow) helps Chandler (Perry) practice for a job interview, specifically helping him overcome the urge to make ridiculous riffs on words like “homework.”
Kudrow previously explained how this innocuous prop took on such importance in her on-set friendship with Perry. “Do you see this “Cookie Time?” “It was at Monica and Rachel’s apartment,” she said. said Jimmy Kimmel via Zoom in 2020, pointing to the cookie jar on a shelf behind her. “That was his gift to me. We were laughing hysterically and crying because it was the end.”
She explained: “It’s funny for us, because we’re shooting a scene years before we’re done. My response was, ‘Ooh, I better go!’ Except I didn’t have a watch, and we were shooting it, it was too late when I realized, I don’t have a watch, how do I know, “Ooh, I have to go? So, as the words came out, I said, “Oh great, there’s a clock.” I waved at him and said, “Ooh! I have to go.” and Matthew said: “Have you shown the cookie jar and said: Look at the time?'”
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at Kudrow Drew Barrymore the visit took place a little over a year later Perry’s premature death at age 54of acute effects of ketamine.
Since Perry’s passing in October 2023, Kudrow and his bandmates have regaled fans with stories about their beloved friend and partner. Kudrow recently discussed Reading Perry’s “particularly funny” painting for the Friends pilot, saying, “When we read that first chart, what Matthew was doing wasn’t like what I thought I’d hear. It wasn’t like anything I’d ever heard before, I was like, ‘Oh my God.’ Matthew was incredibly hilarious.”