- New research indicates that certain cardiovascular risk factors may have a significant impact on women than men.
- Researchers say that taking into account biological sex during routine screening could provide a clearer assessment of cardiovascular risk.
- Experts say it is important to females To monitor their risk factors as they age.
The links between blood pressure, diet, exercise or smoking and the risk of heart disease has been well established.
However, new research indicates that these risk factors can have a significant impact on the heart health of women more than that of men.
Researchers say they understand gender -based differences in Heart disease risk factors Could also help inspire people to make healthy changes for the heart. Research has not yet been published in a review evaluated by peers.
The researchers examined data from more than 175,000 adults who participated in Ontario health study Between 2009 and 2017, women representing 60% of the group.
At the start of the study, none of the participants had received a diagnosis of heart disease. The study focused on eight established cardiovascular risk factors::
- Body mass index (BMI)
- blood pressure
- diet
- physical activity
- sleep
- smoking status
- blood sugar
- lipid levels
Each participant has received an assessment from these factors and has been classified as having an ideal or bad health in each category.
Using these individual classifications, the researchers created a global health profile, classifying participants as having poor, intermediate or ideal cardiovascular health depending on the number of positive and negative risk factors they presented.
Monitoring assessments have occurred over a median period of just over 11 years. The study followed the main cardiovascular events such as:
The results have shown that women tend to have more favorable risk profiles than men. They were more likely to maintain an ideal overall state of health, 9.1% reaching a perfect score on the eight factors, against only 4.8% of men.
Conversely, fewer women (21.9%) fell into the poor health category compared to men (30.5%).
With regard to specific risk factors, women were more likely than men to have an optimal diet, blood sugar, cholesterol and Arterial level. However, they were slightly less likely to reach ideal physical activity levels.
Despite generally better health measures, women who have accumulated more negative risk factors have been faced with a significantly higher risk of serious cardiovascular events than men with comparable risk profiles.
After age adjustment, data revealed that men and women with poor or intermediate cardiovascular health were more at risk of heart disease compared to those of ideal health. However, the impact was more pronounced in women.
Women classified as having poor health have been confronted almost five times the risk of heart disease compared to those with ideal health, while men with poor health had 2.5 times the risk.
The women of the intermediate health group had 2.3 times the risk, while their male counterparts had 1.6 times the risk.
Researchers have underlined the need for a more in -depth investigation to determine how biological and socio -cultural factors can contribute to these differences in cardiovascular results between men and women.
They also plan to analyze whether the effects of risk factors vary according to racial and ethnic groups or in women before and after menopause.
Although the study itself cannot explain why gender-based differences seem to have an impact on cardiovascular risk, Daniel AtkinsonMD, Lead Clinique in Treaty, suggested some reasons behind this phenomenon. Atkinson was not involved in the study.
“We do not know why this is the case, but some research has suggested that this could be due to the physiological differences between men and women,” said Atkinson.
“Obsolete approaches to manage heart disease in women Could also contribute to the question because, as the study points out, projections are rarely specific to gender, “he noted.
“Symptoms of heart disease could arise differently in women and manifest themselves differently at specific stages of their lives if hormonal changes have an impact on things,” said Atkinson.
Rohit VuppuluriDo, an interventional and vascular cardiologist in specialists from Chicago Heart & Vascular, told Healthline that it is “important for women to understand that although cardiovascular disease is higher in men, cardiovascular diseases are always a cause of death for women and men.”
However, women are often sub-diagnosed, he said, because their symptoms are atypical.
“After menopause, women can (a) have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, and close monitoring of risk factors should occur for women as they age,” said Vuppuluri.
“Women must also be proactive in managing their lifestyle,” he advised.
Jayne Morgan, MD, cardiologist and vice-president of medical affairs in Hello heartUnderlined several lifestyle factors that women should try to succeed in promoting cardiovascular health. Morgan was not involved in the study.
- Engage Regular physical activity. “Stay active and have your body in motion. Remember that the human body is made to move,” she said.
- Follow your doctor’s advice. “If you are prescribed drugs for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc., take them as prescribed and make sure to achieve all the objectives of the measures,” said Morgan.
- Monitor your blood pressure regularly. High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for heart disease and cerebral vascular accidents, according to Morgan. Keeping it under the right control is essential.
- Engage in the community. “Longevity, especially with women, has been strongly associated with significant relationships with other women in communities,” she said.
Finally, Morgan noted the importance of being aware that the risk of women’s heart disease increases during perimenopause. She suggested talking to your doctor about additional measures you could take to protect your heart.