It is never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Researchers followed the archives of people over 80 (61% of women) for five years on average and found that those who have the healthiest lifestyle (no smoking, regular exercise and a varied diet) were more likely to live for 100 years, to be chronic diseases, have a higher physical and cognitive function and have a much less mental mental illness. The less likely lifestyle factors to live from 80 to 100 years were: when a person lived, years of education, matrimonial state, chronic medical conditions, alcohol or obesity. In this study, 1454 people lived at 100 and 3768 died before reaching 100 years (Jama Netw open, June 20, 2024; 7 (6): E2417931). Many previous studies have found similar results, but they generally followed people after the age of 60.
The average age of death is 73.5 years worldwide and 77.6 years in China (Lancet2020; 396 (10258): 1160-1203). Many studies show that a healthy lifestyle is associated with a longer lifespan without cancer, heart attacks and diabetes (BMJ, 2023; 380: E072691) and obesity (Obesity (Silver Spring)2016; 24 (10): 2232-2239). In addition, obesity is associated with an increased risk of dementia in subsequent life (Den Gériatr Cogni Disord, 2010; 30 (6): 517-24).
My recommendations
It is never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This study suggests that people over 80 can extend their lives in:
• Try to exercise every day
• Be physically active
• Avoid pro-inflammatory foods (red meat, processed meat, sugar food, sugary drinks including fruit juices, fried food)
• Eat a wide variety of anti-inflammatory foods (vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and other seeds)
• Lose excess body fat, especially in the belly
• Maintain hydroxy vitamin D blood levels greater than 30 ng / ml
• Restrict or avoid alcohol
• Avoid smoking and used smoke
• Avoid chronic exposure to excess sun
• Avoid exposure to X -rays and other sources of radiation, and various toxic substances such as insecticides, herbicides and industrial chemicals
• Treat chronic infections anywhere in the body
Dr. Gabe Mirkin is a villager. Learn more about