Sara Carton, on the left, and Ben Mezzenga Love is blind.
Clifton Prescod / Netflix
tilting legend
Clifton Prescod / Netflix
We discussed Netflix Love is blind on HAPPY HOUR OF POP CULTURE A couple of times Before, and the very obvious main conclusion to which we are always coming to is: “social experience” that the reality of meetings show tirelessly – “East Really … blind love? “- is not really the subject of the series.
But it is not because the show fails spectacularly to its own premise that it does not expose other facets of the human condition. The most recent season, which takes place in Minneapolis, could have presented the most bland cohort to date; The most juicy theater producers on the screen could bring together was the exasperating self-sabotage of David Bettenburg in his relationship with Lauren O’Brien. What was lacking in season 8 in fireworks, however, he (almost) compensated for the way in which the show was so clearly parallel to a Dating phenomenon playing IRL: Two of the women who threw their respective fiancés into the altar cited the inability of men to significantly engage with political problems that were important for their partners.
For Sara Carton and Ben Mezzenga, the quesaling of values was clear when they still went out in “The Pods”. When she aroused her interest in social justice – in particular the Black Lives Matter and George Floyd movement, whose murder took place in their hometown – her answer was: “I just stayed outside this.” Although it was clearly disturbing it, this red engine red flag was not enough to immediately send cardboard in the opposite direction; They got engaged anyway. And as you would expect, the flags continued to come: Mezzenga declared during the season that his church “seemed to be open” to the LGBTQ people, but from what Carton could see, this opening was so far – the church seemed to love only queer people only argued despite their queerness. And when Carton questioned him on this subject, he said he did not know the position of his congregation – although he argued without enthusiasm that his own opinions were similar to those of cardboard.
Be perfectly “ignorant” – or really, actively disinterested – – fundamental human rights were also the MO of Devin Buckley – he is the basketball brother who (unrelated) strongly resembles Keegan -Michael Key, but with hair. In one of the last episodes, his fiancé Virginia Miller also tried to talk to him about the place where he stands on questions like abortion, and he has heard, Hawé and finally refused to take a stand. He too claimed neutrality, However, he said, his family tends to vote for the curator. (And by leaving in the pods, her reaction to the disclosure of another participant than she had come out with women in the past was … more embarrassing than cooled.)

Virginia Miller, on the left, and Devin Buckley Love is blind.
/ Netflix
tilting legend
/ Netflix
Such a fence finally condemned the two relationships. “I will be really clear on (my opinions),” said Miller, at the meeting meeting last Sunday. “I support the LGBTQ community 100%. I also believe that women should have the decision to choose whether they want to have an abortion or not. I also believe that different religions should be valued.”
Some observations jump. For my part, Love is blindThe intrinsically conservative objective to accelerate participants in CIS-HET marriage is finally in the process of facing the real world, where Young women tend to be more liberal that the young men they could go out with. Season 8 would have been Filmed about a year agoBefore the 2024 elections, but this gap in political opinions was already an approaching for women in the show. Watch the season now, at a time when Reproductive rights have been expanding for years,, federal policies are upset the lives of trans peopleAnd The federal government stops people without a criminal record – The political chasm between the actors felt undoubtedly.
This type of fission has come before; In season 7, for example, Ramses Prashad challenged Marissa George not wanting to take birthday drugs and expressed his reluctance to carry a condom. But I do not remember the dissolution of a Love is blind The relationship being so expressly linked to the political division that in season 8, as opposed to, let’s say, one of the partners who gets “Ick. “”
It should also be noted that during the meeting, Sara Carton suggested that it was Ben Mezznga’s reluctance to simply discuss the policy that led him to end the relationship – more than his real political opinions, whatever they are. “Pods, this has never progressed,” said Carton about Mezzenga. “It was as if there was a lack of curiosity on the side of Ben, and it disturbed me.”
TV has not been built to adapt to nuanced conversations on social problems, and watch card and Miller desperately try to be open-minded while their partners have given them Dua Lipa-Levels of nothing to work with only that. But despite, or perhaps because of, the publishing choices of Netflix and / or the reluctance of certain members of the distribution to disclose – which is not hurting to speak or simply refer to viewers with lively eyes anyway. Note that everything is politics, whether we choose to act like that or not.
The calm part was made exceptionally noisy when the co-host Nick Lachey asked Mezzenga during the reunion if he had deliberately refused to recognize the position of his church on LGBTQ rights. “It is honestly that I did not remember because I never needed to know. Because there was really no one in my life to whom he was really linked,” replied Mezzenga before adding defensive, “… and I am not proud of it.”
This play also appeared in the NPR Culture Hour Culture Newsletter. Register for the newsletter So you don’t miss the next one, and get weekly recommendations on what makes us happy.
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