Texas – The American Ministry of Education is investigating alleged exclusive racial practices in higher education programs from two Texas universities.
The University of Northern Texas and the Rice University are two of the 45 schools currently under investigation.
Surveys are carried out on partnerships between these institutions and “the doctorate. Project “, a non-profit organization helping students under-represented in the continuation of commercial diplomas to promote the diversity of the business sector in response to defendants of title VI.
“The agency has already launched investigations into title VI on institutions where generalized anti -Semitic harassment has been reported and investigations on title IX on entities that would continue to allow sex discrimination; Today’s announcement is expanding our efforts to ensure that universities do not discriminate against their students according to racial and racial stereotypes, ”said US Education Secretary Linda McMahon. “Students must be assessed according to merit and accomplishment, not prejudice to the color of their skin. We will not give in to this commitment. »»
The letter of February 14 of the Ministry of Education to educational establishments funded by the federal government said that federal law prohibits preferences and stereotypes based on race in admissions, hiring, remuneration and other programs.
The following universities are the subject of a survey for admission practices to potentially discriminatory graduates:
Arizona State University – Main campus
Wood state university
Cal Poly Humboldt
California State University – San Bernardino
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Clemson
Cornell University
Duke University
EMORY University
George Mason University
Georgetown University
Massachusetts (MIT) Institute of Technology
Montana State University – Bozeman
New York University (NYU)
Rice university
Rutgers University
Ohio State University – Main campus
Towson University
University of Tulane
University of Arkansas – Fayetteville
University of California-Berkeley
Chicago University
Cincinnati University – Main Campus
University of Colorado – Colorado Springs
University of Delaware
Kansas University
Kentucky University
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
University of Minnesota – twin cities
University of Nebraska in Omaha
New Mexico University – Main campus
Northern Dakota University – Main Campus
University of Northern Texas – Denton
University of Notre Dame
University of NV – Las Vegas
University of Oregon
Rhode University
University of Utah
Washington University – Seattle
Wisconsin University – Madison
Wyoming University
Vanderbilt University
Washington State University
Washington University in St. Louis
University of Yale
The following schools are the subject of a survey for having allegedly offered scholarships based on the breed and practicing “segregation based on the breed”:
Grand Valley State University
Ithaca college
New England Optometry College
University of Alabama
University of Minnesota, twin cities
University of Southern Florida
University of Oklahoma, Tulsa Community Medicine School