James Staten says he was sold items and put money back in his business before his arrest.
County of Pasco, Florida – The owner of Olympus Pools has taken a stand today. James Staten is accused of having taken $ 1.5 million from customers and not to follow their swimming pools.
Investigators say he used money for Super Bowl’s tickets, travel and jewelry. Staten says he had an agreement with another swimming pool entrepreneur, Jordan Hidalgo, to help finish the swimming pools when he realized that he needed more money.
“And in exchange for this, the more another consideration that I can answer if you ask, but no more other things, in exchange, I was going to give it half of the business once we have returned it,” said Staten.
“Okay. So you intend to continue trying to place the orders you had for the swimming pools, that Olympus had for swimming pools?” Asked his lawyer.
“Yes, that was the goal of the agreement,” said Staten.
It was then that Staten said he started selling things to put money back in the business.
“I sold trucks. I sold the Sprinter van, I sold my personal truck. I sold the family SUV. I sold my wife’s wedding ring. We sold our peloton. I sold the land bikes of my son. I sold anything and I sold all the jewelry I had. I sold everything and everything I could to pay people, ”said Staten.
Carmen Simpson was a client of the Olympus pools. She now pleads for the owners and tries to educate them on what to look for. She hopes that legislators strengthen Florida’s statutes to help protect customers.
Prosecutors say that Staten did not intend to finish the swimming pools but that the checks still collect checks. Friday, the case could be wrapped in fence arguments.
Staten trading partner, Hidalgo Recently rendered his entrepreneurial license and was faced with accusations of fraud in 2024. A prior hearing at the trial is scheduled for March 26.