Empty bowls Sierra Community House
Join empty bowls for the Sierra community house at 5 p.m. Wednesday March 12 on 948 incline Way, Village Incl. “Join us for a striking evening with delicious soups, fresh bread and artisanal ceramic bowls. 100% of profits benefit the Hunger rescue program of Sierra Community House. Purchase of required tickets. For more information, visit sierracommunityhouse.org or call 530-546-0952. »»
Motet and polyrythmics at Crystal Bay Casino
Listen to the motets and polyrythmics Play at 8 p.m. Friday, March 14 at Crystal Bay Casino, 14 State Highway 28, Crystal Bay. “Perfecting in the Crown room at the Crystal Bay Casino! Purchase of required tickets. $ 30 in advance, $ 35 at the door. For more information, visit http://www.crystalbaycasino.com Or call 775-833-6333. »»
Skiing with a scientist
Join the scientists of Terc on Friday March 14 for “a fun and interactive tour in the mountain in Alpine in partnership with the US Forest Service. Do you like skiing / snowboarding and science? This is a unique opportunity for you! Find out about the research and education of the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC), the Environmental History of Alpine and the role of the American forest service and the public lands in Palisades Tahoe. Find more information at https://tahoe.ucdavis.edu/events/ski-scientifique. “”
IHS annual annual fundraising fundraising
The annual fundraising of Feed Crab IHS will take place on Saturday March 15 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe, 111 Country Club Dr., Village. “Live music, cocktails, delicious food / wine, incredible auction articles and dance are in barrels for the collection of annual food for crab IHS Boosters sponsored by Dave and Cheryl Duffield. Each year, this event sells and collects large funds to support high school students and high school staff. Please join us for this incredible evening. The theme of this year is the green and gold carnival. Think of pearls, feathers, festive, green and gold for inspiration. Purchase of required tickets. For more information, visit inclineboosters.com or call 775-832-4260. »»
Contaminated love at Crystal Bay Casino
Tained Love will play Crystal Bay Casino at 9 p.m. on Saturday March 15. “For 2 decades, tense love was an exciting public on a national scale with its high energy and exaggerated interpretations of pop music from the treasure known under the name of 1980. Their show offers something for each music fan: pulsed dance rhythms, rock-pumping hymns and guilty plea songs, all played with the highest level of musicality and the sound and the sound and the sound and the lighting. Purchase of required tickets. $ 25 for more information, visit http://www.crystalbaycasino.com Or call 775-833-6333. »»
Live music with brother Dan Palmer at the Grand Lodge Casino
Brother Dan Palmer will play the Grand Lodge Casino at 9 p.m. on Saturday March 15. “Join his brother Dan Palmer for live music in the casino!” Take advantage of Brother Dan’s epic playlist while you are doing the Nevada style pleasure! With songs you know and love, with clever arrangements and passionate delivery, there are not two evenings. For more information, visit http://www.grandlodgecasino.com Or call 800-327-3910. »»