Roger Wakimoto, vice-chancellor of research and creative activities of the UCLA, was elected to the board of directors of the association for the Advancement of Science.
Wakimoto, an atmospheric scientist, specializes in meso-scald meteorology, in particular severe convective storms, tornadoes and radar meteorology. In addition to serving as president of the American Meteorological Society from 2017 to 1919, he was director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and deputy director of the Directorate of Geosciences of the National Science Foundation, where he led a division which supported the atmosphere, the geospace, the polar, the land and the sciences of the ocean.
Wakimoto began as research vice-chancellor in July 2017. Responding to the comments of the UCLA community, he then changed the work title to vice-chancellor for research and creative activities in order to grasp the variety of scholarships by the Faculty and UCLA students.
“The AAAS should endeavor to be” the essential organization “for its members, its decision-makers and the general public, including the poorly served communities, for the most recent scientific discoveries,” he said in his candidate declaration. Wakimoto also stressed the role of AAA, the largest scientific society in the world, in the fight against climate change, the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in science The fight against disinformation.
Since 1874, the AAAS, which has published the scientific family of journals, has selected members whose efforts in favor of the progress of science and its applications in the service of society have distinguished them from their peers. Multidisciplinary society has members in more than 91 countries.