Multiphoton tangle generation with a tiny metasurface. Credit: University of Beijing
The processing of quantum information is a field that relies on the tangle of several photons to process large amounts of information. However, the creation of Multiphoton tangle is a difficult task. Traditional methods use non -linear quantum optical processes, which are ineffective for a large number of photons, a linear interference and beam transport and quantum interference, which require complex configurations subject to problems such as loss and diaphony.
A team of researchers from the University of Beijing, the University of the South Science and Technology and the University of Sciences and Technology of China have made a significant breakthrough in this area.
As indicated in Advanced photonicsThey have developed a new approach using metasurfaces, which are flat structures capable of controlling various aspects of light, such as the phase, frequency and polarization. This innovative approach allows the generation of multiphoton tangle metasursimplifying the process while making it more effective.
The researchers’ method is to send several unique photons to a gradient metasurface specially designed from different directions. The metasurface means that these photons interfere in a quantum way, causing tangled photons.
This technique not only allows the creation of different types of tangled states, but also allows the fusion of several pairs of photones tangled into larger groups. This progression means that more quantum information can be packed in a smaller space.
Professor Ying Gu, corresponding author on the report, notes this new approach as a new perspective for Quantum information processing: “It’s like finding a shortcut in a labyrinth. Instead of trying to navigate the twists and turns of complex optical configurations, we can use a single surface to do the work.
“The process of creating and manipulating tangled photons becomes much simpler and more compact. It is perfect for building tiny quantum devices that could hold on a chip, making it an excellent solution for future quantum and communication applications.”
With this new Multiphoton tangle creation method, many quantum applications can become more accessible. For example, metasurfaces could be used to generate and deliver photons tangled to several users, facilitating the creation of a quantum network.
In addition, metasurfaces could serve as construction blocks for manipulation of more photons, which potentially leads to the development of quantum computers as small as laptops. Such possibilities are exciting and this research brings us closer to carrying them out.
More information:
Qi liu et al, multi-pole-polarization multi-picking through a single gradient metasurface, Advanced photonics (2025). DOI: 10.1117 / 1.APN.4.2.026002
Quote: Metasurface Technology offers a compact way to generate a Multiphoton tangle (2025, March 10) recovered on March 11, 2025 from https://phys.org/news/2025-03-metasurface-technology-compact-gereate–multiphoton.html
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