Having a parrot that speaks is a lot like having another child in the house. They can be noisy, messy, authoritarian, refuse to listen and think they can do and say what they want. I know it’s true because my parents have had one for almost 50 years and he is like a brother or a sister for me!
Cruz is an African gray parrot with a large vocabulary. But in this video, he decided to say a single word, which will make you cook! In the video, Cruz is at the top of the cabinets and his mother tries to speak to him. Make sure your sound is on so that you can hear what it has to say. Mom also says that he thinks he is the boss, so that’s why he is so stubborn!
Whaaaaattttt? What is it, you say? It completely reminds me of what children do when they try to annoy someone. Whatever you told them, they just answer with “What?” I think Rump Know exactly what he does and it is quite clear that he is the boss!
Viewers also got a kick from Cruz’s cheek. @Charlotte said: “The race takes me every time lol!” @Lynninpa stressed “love and sassy !!” @Cherry joked: “I thought his cry for help was completely convincing!” @Amy Duggin added: “Yes !!!! ‘Wot’ is my favorite!”
Do parrots make good pets?
I mentioned that I grew up with a pet parrot. Its name is Otis, and it is an Amazonon with yellow napsia. He lives with my sister, who is the same age as him – 48, I think. He has a huge vocabulary, can imitate just any sound he hears and likes to sing and dance. He is also noisy, disorderly and so entertaining to look at … unless you wanted it to be silent; He knows it but will refuse pee!
If you ask me, I think Parrots make large pets. They are intelligent, curious and can be very social. They will say hello when you enter the room and goodbye when you leave. They call your name and everyone’s name in the house (pets included). They are a hoot to have! African gray And the Amazon parrots are among the richest birds, but I think that Amazon’s parrots are pretty because they are so colorful.
Although it is fun to have a bird speaking in the house, they can get very strong! Once they started, it can be difficult to calm them down. If they regularly hear strong noises, like a crying baby or a dog who barks, they will repeat the sound again and again and at the same level of noise. There has not been a baby who has been crying in my sister’s house for more than 10 years, but if things become noisy, Otis will ring with the strongest noise he knows … A crying baby.
Because they are so socially, they ask a lot of attention. They like to be in the same room as their humans, so make sure that their cage is in a room that your family uses regularly. Knowing a lot about parrots and their daily behavior, I can honestly say that a parrot that speaks would make families in search of a fun animal.