Dr. Stephen Ferrara, the assistant deputy defense for Heath’s affairs, published the following declaration:
“This morning, the Lieutenant-General of the Army, Dr. Telita Crosland, the fourth director of the Defense Health Agency, begins his retirement. I would like to thank LTG Crosland for its dedication to the nation, military health system and army medicine for 32 years.
I appointed Dr. David Smith, the deputy deputy deputy director for health affairs, as an acting director of the DHA, while the department performs the normal appointment process. Dr. Smith is a regular hand with decades of experience in the military health system in uniform. I ask everyone to support Dr. Smith and the whole DHA team while we stabilize and strengthen our system in the service of the most deadly combat force on the planet. Dr. Smith’s biography is available on Health..
I am convinced that the DHA will continue to improve health care in support of our beneficiaries and to take up to meet complex safety challenges around the world. Thank you for everything you do for the Defense Ministry and our great nation. »»