Bruker Corporation announced the launch of Lumos ™ II Ilim An infrared imaging microscope based on laser in quantum cascade (QCL). The new Lumos II Ilim redefines performance standards, allowing researchers in pharmaceutical sciences and life sciences to capture ultra-rapid IR images of vast areas with improved space resolution.
Lumos ™ II Ilim Quantum Laser Cascade (QCL) Infrared imaging microscope based for pharmaceutical sciences and life sciences (photo: business wire)
THE Lumos II Ilim Includes a patented coherence reduction method for infrared laser imaging essentially without artifacts in transmission and reflection mode. With a very large field of vision and complete automation, it allows rapid determination of chemical complexity in organic tissues.
I am impressed by the speed of this microscope for high quality infrared imaging of organic samples. Ease of operation and high flow made with QCL technology change for clinical research. We explore the new perspectives of this research tool to improve the diagnosis and treatment of bone diseases. »»
Dr Guillaume Mabilleau, bone pathologist clinical at the Angers university hospital center in France
Using the evaluation of data fueled by AI, Lumos II Ilim work flows allow discoveries in research in life sciences, pharmacy and illness. Integration with Maldi imaging methods from Bruker allows multimodal imagery to characterize tissues with increased analytical depth. The Lumos II Ilim can also be used for rapid inspection of pharmaceutical tablets and particle identification, including automated sampling. Users can use a Python interface to adapt the Lumos II Ilim to specific requirements and personalized workflows.