The winners in 2025 of research and social awareness prizes were announced today by the Zimpleman College of Business of Drake University. This annual program recognizes the teachers and staff of colleges who attack urgent problems with which the company is confronted by their scholarship and works in the community. Each of the three winning bids will receive a price made possible by Larry and Kathi Zimpleman – estimated at $ 5,000 – for their contributions to approach one or more social and environmental subjects.
“Exploring where business adds value to society is more important than ever, especially for those of us who believe in the power of the free market,” said Alejandro Hernandez, dean of the Zimpleman College of Business. “This year’s recognition of this year of the positive societal impact of our faculty is at the heart of Drake’s commitment to transform lives and strengthen communities.”
The winners and their work include:

Lendie Follett: Data analysis to enlarge Wesley Life Meals on Wheels Service
Students from the two fall 2024 sections of Dr Follett de Stat 172-Data Mining and General Linear Models Cours used publicly available data to build predictive models that have helped Wesley Life Meals on Wheels The program discerns how to extend its services most effectively beyond Polk county to help alleviate the rural food insecurity of the elderly. This awareness -raising work is actually aligning with the objective of sustainable development of the United Nations (SDGs) 2 (zero hunger).

Claire Muselman: Allow a non -profit organization to use the data -based narration to advance its mission
Dr. Muselman has developed a training program to improve communication efficiency for non -profit organization staff Refuge animals countwhich serves as an exchange center for statistics of animal shelters. This project is linked to the ODD 3 (good health and well-being) because animal welfare is closely linked to community health, mental well-being for individuals and social cohesion. The training allowed refuge animals which count the personnel to make complex data accessible, relatable and convincing. As a result, the organization has increased fundraising from $ 500,000 to more than $ 2.5 million by the end of 2024.

Ina Purvanova: Adaptation of training on diversity dynamically to meet the needs of participants and generate better results
Dr. Purvanova and his co -author use a segmentation approach to identify the usefulness of developing different training programs on diversity for men and women, especially when some of them are skeptical about diversity training. This research, published in a high -quality university review, has the potential to have an impact on many people who work in companies that implement training on diversity. The publication of the work in Applied psychology: an international review And its alignment with the ODD 5 (gender equality) distinguished this scholarship.